Countryside Challenge Training Day – North Region

Date: 20/02/23 (Monday)
Time: 9:30 am - 2:00 pm

Monday 20th February at Morpeth RDA, Kirkley Hall, 

NE20 0AQ

The course will be led by Sue Mack and is open to coaches, volunteers, judges and participants. There is no charge for this course.     

The Training normally last approximately 4 hours and the general timetable is as follows:

9:30 – Registration and refreshments in classroom

10:00 – Discussion – Course Instructions and Judges Sheets.

               What to look for and how to gain those extra marks.

10:30 – Indoor school for first half of CC Course.

12 noon – Lunch break, please bring your own packed lunch. Hot drinks will be provided.

12.30 – Indoor school for second half of CC Course

The course will include:

Demonstrations with Led & Independent riders.

How to mark the course.

How to film the Virtual Course.

Considerations for V I & Hearing Impaired riders

Please contact Michelle Macaulay at Morpeth RDA on for further information and to book your place

Page Last Updated: January 17, 2023