Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Progamming (NLP) course for Equestrian Coaches

Date: 25/01/23 (Wednesday) - 30/04/23 (Sunday)
Time: All Day

Coach CPD Opportunity from RDA Coach Louise Einchcombe. 

Series of Webinars looking into Neuro Linguistic Programming for Equestian Coaches. The Course Finishes with a Quiz Bonus Module to allow you to test your knowledge.

By the end of this Course you will be able to:

  • Describe the Foundations of NLP as well as its basic principles and apply these too your Equestrian Coaching which will allow you to improve your Psychological understanding of yourself as a Coach and the Clients that you work with.

If you wish to Purchase both this Course and the How Horses Process The World Course at the same time please enter code 2COURSE at Checkout to receive a £4.99 DISCOUNT (you should do this when purchasing both courses giving you a total £9.98 DISCOUNT). This offer is not applicable to those who don’t wish to have their quizzes marked.

If you are using this Course as CPD and need a Certificate of Completion please email me on on completion of the Course. 

Please note that to have any RDA CPD counted towards a review extension (for those eligible) you must complete a Coach CPD Reflection & Feedback Form

To book please visit:

For further questions please contact Louise Einchcombe: 


Page Last Updated: April 19, 2023