Online Workshop: Future Planning (Buddle)

Date: 25/09/24 (Wednesday)
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event: Buddle: Future Planning

Delivered By: Buddle

Please note: this session is not delivered by RDA and will be attended by individuals outside of our organisation.

Engaging in training outside of RDA is valuable for learning across the wider sector. We encourage this as a way of sharing best practices and for networking opportunities. 


Please note ticket sales end for this event on the 18th September 2024. 


Course Description 

This course considers the value and function of planning, how best to approach this and provides you with a simple framework to get you started.

We will also help you identify the resources and partnerships required to meet the needs of your people, and signpost you to templates, examples and further support which will enable you to plan for your future.


What Will This Session Cover?

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

01 understand what constitutes a great plan, its value, function and who should be involved in the process

02 begin developing a plan using a simple framework

03 access further information to support planning

This might be the course for you if…

  • you’re part of a leadership team or committee
  • you have a senior position (e.g. head coach)
  • you’re involved in supporting clubs or community organisations.

Who can attend? (Requirements)

People that attend this course should:

  • represent a community organisation or club based in England
  • be at least 16 years of age
  • be able to communicate effectively in English.


How much does it cost?

The cost of this course is free.


Booking: For more information and to book your place click here.

When registering, Buddle asks that delegates consent to the Delegate Agreement, which can be found by clicking here.


More Information:


How is the course delivered?

This course will be delivered in a workshop format. This is a live virtual classroom facilitated by a Buddle tutor. The tutor will share information and there will be interactive ways to engage.


How long is it?

The course lasts for a maximum of 1 hours. Please see our forthcoming events to understand the dates and formats available.


Who is it delivered by?

The course is delivered by an experienced Buddle tutor.


What do others say?

Well paced course and engaging delivery style, which encouraged questions and interactions, and used examples from within the group, which made it feel very relevant.

“Great course with lots of useful content”


About Buddle

Buddle provides free learning and support resources, to inspire and strengthen clubs and community organisations offering sport and physical activity, and the professionals that work with them.  

They share latest information, training, and tools to help clubs and organisations overcome challenges and make the most of the opportunities available to them.   

Buddle are passionate about enabling organisations to be safe, inclusive, agile, and resilient enough to secure their long-term future and unlock the advantages of sport and physical activity for everyone.


Future events by Buddle can be found by clicking here. 

Find out more by visiting their website.

Page Last Updated: August 16, 2024