Polework for Showjumping- Make the basics fun

Date: 08/03/23 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Online

Who is it for? Anyone who wants to introduce polework into their sessions (all coaches can do Level 1), those wanting to progress towards a level 2 assessment, or who just want some fresh new ideas

To include ideas for level 1 towards level 2, and what judge is looking for in competitions. An interactive zoom session with Anona White, SJ level 4 Coach, Judge and Assessor

These will count as a Showjumping review if a reflection is returned afterwards for those currently at Level 2. This will only count as a review up to Level 2; if you are level 3 or above you will need to request a face-to-face review

This training will also count as a review for riding coaches who are eligible following return of a completed feedback form.


To book please follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIud-mvpj8uG9b1IArpY2JVM2WkY846qUc2

Page Last Updated: January 31, 2023