Safeguarding For Equestrians Zoom Workshop – Scotland – 9th March 2023

Date: 09/03/23 (Thursday)
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Safeguarding Workshop with Valerie Roy on Zoom

Date: Thursday 9th March 2023

Time: 6:30pm start

NOTE: This course is specifically aimed at those based in Scotland.


Please note that it is now compulsory for candidates to complete SportScotland Module 1 online before taking part in RDA’s tutor led workshop. Everyone who books a place for the above date will be sent a link to SportScotland Module 1 approximately ten days in advance and must complete the module no later than 7th March. The module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.


To allow time to set this up the SportScotland module candidates must register by 23rd February. No bookings accepted after that date.


  • Numbers may have to be limited, places to be reserved in advance. Please be sure to let us know if you are not going to be able to attend.
  • There is no charge for this course.
  • It is now a requirement that ALL coaches, assessed to deliver RDA sessions without supervision (i.e. all except Trainee Coaches), should have a current safeguarding certificate. Initially they must attend face to face training at a workshop that meets RDA requirements.  This workshop qualifies as face to face.
  • Activity leaders are required to have a current safeguarding certificate.
  • If you have coaches/activity leaders/volunteers who need to attend Safeguarding but cannot make these dates, please let us have their names now and we will let you know when there is another course.

The workshop is also useful for Group Chairmen, Trustees and Group Safeguarding Officers. It will also cover child protection and social media. Further information

Page Last Updated: February 10, 2023