Getting On Board Trustee Learning Programme: To infinity and beyond; an introduction to charity finance for Trustees (Virtual)

Date: 23/05/24 (Thursday)
Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Event: Trustee Learning Programme: To infinity and beyond; an introduction to charity finance for trustees

Delivered By: Getting on Board

Please note: this session is not delivered by RDA and will be attended by individuals outside of our organisation.

Engaging in training outside of RDA is valuable for learning across the wider sector. We encourage this as a way of sharing best practices and for networking opportunities. 



This session forms part of the Getting on Board Trustee Learning Programme.

The programme comprises free, high-quality training including webinars, clinics and panel discussions to support people to become and serve as effective trustees. 


Event Details

“This online session is for trustees and aspiring trustees who have a passion to really understand the stories behind the numbers and how to use them to build a financially sustainable organisation.

This session is introductory. It is for trustees without a finance background who want to make sure that they are able to engage fully with the organisation’s finances, in order to be an effective trustee.

For many trustees, the finances are a bit of a mystery and we’re on a mission to change that!”


What Will This Session Cover?

01 What we mean when we talk about charity finance

02 How to recognise our own money personality and what that means for our charity

03 What good looks like and how to take good financial decisions well

04 Where to look for guidance and how to know what guidance to look for

05 Common elephant traps for charity boards and how to avoid them

Booking: For more information and to book your place click here.


About Getting on Board

Getting on Board exists to make trusteeship more accessible, effective and inclusive. They are raising awareness of trusteeship, particularly within under-represented communities, and helping trustees to make an impact.

Future events by Getting on Board can be found on Eventbrite.

Find out more by visiting their website.

Page Last Updated: March 28, 2024