Weekly News 20 May

Sidewalkers: clarification for Scotland

In Scotland, one sidewalker for riding and carriage driving is permitted if an area is in Level 1 or 2 but not in Level 3.  We understand Glasgow and Moray remain in Level 3. 


Search for a ‘heritage champion’

For over 50 years RDA has been at the forefront of disability sport, and a pioneer in the world of horses for therapy. In partnership with Sporting Heritage, we are now looking for a volunteer (or volunteer team) to capture, record and share our heritage: preserving our history and making it more accessible for future generations.

If you know someone who might enjoy this challenge, the full spec can be found here:


Anyone interested can pop me an email cward@rda.org.uk


30-minute webinar

Tonight, 7pm, RDA Endurance

To coincide with Endurance Week and the launch of this year’s RDA Endurance league, we hear from new National Lead for this increasingly popular activity, Gilly Roper.

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kw6qcDH8QHCNr9XONbfnkg 

Next week: 27 May, Restarting RDA: Don’t wait for ‘normality’ to return

The process of restarting RDA sessions after a long break will require planning (and yes, undoubtedly some paperwork), even if COVID restrictions are eased and things feel largely back to normal – so it makes sense to start sooner rather than later. We look at the considerations for a safe and orderly restart.



Coach Reflection cards

A recent CPD workshop for coaches highlighted the benefits of being able to reflect on sessions in a positive and productive way. In response, we have developed a series of reflection cards as part of our e-learning platform. These can be used at the end of the day on your own, but are just as useful worked through with others. Although developed for coaching, these are suitable for everyone involved in RDA sessions (participants, volunteers and coaches) and are available here: www.rda-learning.org.uk/courses/coach-reflection/


Volunteers’ Week 1-7 June

Just a heads up about Volunteers’ Week, as usual the first week of June. This year we will be using our Volunteer Wellbeing research to highlight the reasons people volunteer with RDA (and the benefits) and asking volunteers to share their own experiences with us. Anyone who wants to share their ‘why I volunteer’ stories can email Faye fmckenning@rda.org.uk  anytime between now and the end of Volunteers’ Week.


Equi-Scotia courses

Please find here information about courses which might be of interest to develop and deliver non-riding activities to support mental health and well-being: https://www.equi-scotia.com/our-events/

Page Last Updated: May 28, 2021