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Weekly News – 24 September

This is the first of what will become a regular weekly email to all RDA Group Chairs and Contacts.
The emails will usually come from me, and I hope you will feel happy contacting me directly if I can be of help. That said, outside of communications, publicity and PR, you will quickly reach the limit of my knowledge, so please continue to use your usual contacts for other things.

Update your details
This is a great opportunity to help us update our records. If you are no longer Group Chair or the designated Group Contact, please email and let us know – ideally with the name of your replacement.
I know lockdown prevented the publication of this year’s handbook. As an interim measure, I am going to get the current contact information for each region into an electronic format and circulate that as soon as it’s ready.

Government announcement Tuesday
The devolved government announcements on Tuesday brought no specific changes to our current guidelines. Remember that is being kept up to date with the latest information. If something changes that affects the whole organisation or needs immediate action we will of course email you as soon as possible.

Chief Executive webinars
Throughout lockdown, RDA Chief Executive Ed Bracher has recorded a series of webinars about how we have been tackling the challenges of COVID-19 and its impact on RDA. You can watch the latest one – and catch up with previous webinars – on our You Tube Channel at A transcript of the latest talk is also available, so please let me know if you’d like a copy.

Virtual Windsor
Tomorrow at 2:30pm is the RDA Dressage Challenge Class at Virtual Windsor Horse Show, supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery and prizes from Wychanger Saddlery. Congratulations to all who entered, and especially to those who made it into the top ten! Tune in to watch it ‘live’ – with commentary from our very own Dressage Lead John Robinson – at

Survey about activity levels and closure
Please don’t forget to complete our survey into activity levels and continued group closure if you haven’t done so already. It takes about 5 minutes and will give us valuable information to help us support you better in the coming months.

RDA UK volunteer vacancies
We have several vacancies for Regional and County volunteer roles. If you, or someone you know, would like to find out more about being an RDA UK volunteer, please contact Faye McKenning at National Office on .

Brilliant Person Awards
There’s still time to nominate someone for our Brilliant Person Award. Visit

Have a good week and stay safe.

Best wishes,
Caroline Ward
Head of Communication & Insight, RDA UK
01926 405968

Page Last Updated: September 29, 2020