Weekly news 6 October


The new phone system at National Office is up and running. It’s the same as the old one (mainline 01926 492915) but there are now options when you call in to help direct your call. 

Dressage Anywhere

RDA classes for Dressage Anywhere have reopened. The schedule for October is now live and there is a range of led, independent, VI and graded tests available. www.dressageanywhere.com/Competitor/EnterCompetition/601

Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Duke of Edinburgh Awards are researching the amount of DofE volunteering that has been happening since lockdown. If you have DofE candidates signed up with your group, please complete the survey if you can – even if there hasn’t been any activity. Thank you. www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/RDADofE2020

Page Last Updated: October 15, 2020