Health & Safety

Please find to the right all the guidance notes to help manage risk assessment and general health & safety at your Group.  For sight of the H&S Policy, First Aid Policy and RIDDOR Reporting please go to the Policies Page.


Concussion is becoming an increasingly important issue in the sporting landscape. As part of British Equestrian’s commitment to the welfare of participants at all levels of equestrian sport, they have produced equestrian-specific advice, developed by their World Class Programme Human Sports Science and Medicine team.


Concussion is an injury to the brain resulting in a disturbance of brain function. It can be caused by a direct blow to the head, but can also occur when a blow to another part of the body results in rapid movement of the head, such as whiplash type injuries. Loss of consciousness does not always occur – in fact, it occurs in less than 10% of concussions. A history of previous concussion increases the risk of further concussions, from which it may also take longer to recover.


Concussion can present in a variety of ways and will differ from person to person. Signs/symptoms can be physical, cognitive or behavioural, and it’s important to remember that they can take hours or sometimes days to appear. For further guidance about how to recognise a concussion, check out our concussion guidance document below. 


If you believe someone has suffered a concussion following a fall from a horse, or a blow to the head, face, neck or body, take immediate action. The person must immediately cease all ridden, equestrian-related activity and any potentially strenuous mental or physical activity, then you should follow the four Rs…

  • Recognise the signs and symptoms
  • Remove the injured person from the scene
  • Recover until all symptoms have been resolved
  • Return gradually to activity

Further information on the four Rs is available in our concussion guidance document below. If in doubt, sit them out. 


Aimed at participants at all levels of equestrian sport – including riders, vaulters and drivers, parents, coaches, officials, grooms, medical personnel and event organisers – our concussion guidance document provides information on how to manage concussion, from the time of injury through to a safe return to equestrian sport. This includes the stages of recovery following concussion and a standardised ‘return to riding’ programme, both which should be carried out in conjunction with advice from a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider. 

While this document contains general medical information, it doesn’t constitute medical advice and should not be relied on as such. This guidance is not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider.



Further information will be provided here in the near future, including specific guidance relating to RDA Groups activities and events. 


Riding Hat Standards

Important changes to the standards currently accepted in RDA are due from 1 January 2024. Please view the details here:


First Aid Provider

RDA has formed a partnership with First Aid Training Co-operative & Medi-K Training. 

First Aid Training Co-operative & Medi-K training will be offering first aid courses to RDA groups across the UK, they are tailored and specific to the potential situations volunteers may find themselves having to deal with, especially in an equestrian environment. The course will also provide attendees with a nationally recognised First Aid qualification. This is something that some coaches are required to achieve to undertake certain awards/qualifications.

To find out more, please call 07585 723763 or email

First Aid Training Cooperative blog:  

Page Last Updated: March 24, 2025