
RDA Policies provide a framework for running your group.  These policies must be taken and adopted by your group, where relevant.

All policies will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.

Where possible RDA will aim to maintain an annual schedule of reviews and updates, however from time to time we may need to make more regular changes in response to changing legal requirements or where we have identified an urgent change is required, but we will then notify Groups of these changes.

Carriage Driving

Carriage Driving Safety Code 


Working Together RDA UK Code of Conduct Update June 2024

RDA Whistle Blowing Policy

RDA UK Complaints Policy and Guidance – Updated June 2024

Group Complaint Policy and Procedure (Coming soon)

We would always hope that disagreements could be settled between individuals involved where possible. If this is not possible, concerns regarding your experience at your local RDA Group should be made to the Group Chair in the first instance. If not resolved or if the compliant is directed against the Group Chair, complaints should be escalated to the County or Regional Chair.


Equine End of Service Policy

Equine Welfare Policy

Equine Annual Health Check Policy with Form

Equine Gift & Loan Policy

Pre-Purchase Examination Policy Statement

RDA Medication Control Policy

Riding School Licence Policy

The Essentials

The Essentials of Membership

Essentials Trustee Annual Checklist For Groups

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

RDA Group Data Protection Policy Word Version

RDA Group Privacy Notice Word Version


RDA UK, Equal Opportunities Policy & Statement (PDF Version)

RDA UK, Equal Opportunities Policy & Statement

RDA UK, Equality and Diversity (EDI) Policy

Membership Agreement (Incorporated)

Membership Agreement (Unincorporated)

Health and Safety & Insurance

Health and Safety Policy – under general review for accuracy, for 2024 

RIDDOR Reporting

First Aid Policy – under general review for accuracy, for 2024

Hat & Body Protector Rules

Insurance & Exercising of Horses Policy & Form

Insurance & Exercising of Horses Policy & Form

Insurance and Training for RDA Sessions

External Event Form



RDA Safeguarding Children Policy

RDA Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy

RDA Managing Concerns Policy

*Safer Recruitment Policyunder review for 2024*

*RDA Disclosures Policyunder review for 2024*

Safeguarding Code of Conduct

E Safety Policy

Safeguarding E-Safety Code of Conduct (Volunteers)


RDA UK Volunteering Policy

Other Policies

Epilepsy Policy – under review July 2024

Non-disabled Riders in RDA Sessions Policy


Page Last Updated: July 23, 2024