Weekly news 11 February

If you missed last week’s BBC news feature about us, you can watch the report on BBC Sport here: www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/disability-sport/55949440 . Around 6.8 million viewers tune in to the 6pm news and I know some groups have benefited directly from people contacting them after seeing the programme, so I hope your group did too.

30-minute webinars
Tonight: Tea with a Pony: 7pm
Find out more from Claire Jenkins (Cotswold RDA and RDA UK Trustee) and RDA staff member Lucy Stokes about this popular project, the impact it is making on those who take part, and the benefits to the group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HxQN0jUFRsWqpw1cy5PkXQ
Next week: 18 Feb, Education & Taking Part at Home
Coaching Lead Karen Thompson will be presenting and answering questions about activities for participants to do at home, Proficiency Tests and Asdan – as well as giving an insight into her own group’s activities during lockdown. Any questions for Karen email Lyndsay Wager lwager@rda.org.uk
Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GdbkV52TTWi74FE5uFeYjw
25 Feb: Advice on First Aid provision & training during lockdown
This will cover changing first aid needs during lockdown, managing and accessing training (and course options) and things RDA groups need to know to be safe and prepared. Please note this is not a First Aid training course!
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gRC9MxNlTNKx9hpUliEgpA

Subscribe to MyRDA YouTube Channel
So that you can watch all these webinars and other useful videos in your own time, I have set up a new RDA YouTube Channel called MyRDA, which I will be adding videos to over the next few weeks. You can find it here: www.youtube.com/channel/UCrI8v8J0WoEXNCu25ktkm0Q
If we get enough subscribers, I can change the web address to something more memorable, so please do visit the channel and subscribe – that way you’ll also hear about new films as they are uploaded.

SEIB Search for a Star
SEIB are once again hosting an RDA Virtual Search for a Star Showing Class. Virtual SEIB Search for a Star will take place at Your Horse Virtually Live on the 10 and 11 April 2021. Entries are now open and they close on the 8 March. For more information visit:
Also don’t forget the SEIB Livery Yard & Riding School of the Year Awards, which close on 16 March. More info here: www.seib.co.uk/awards/?fbclid=IwAR37J9BovVoulvY1DvaaiEXKv57bvAbuvKxCzmlFh4vE5qRDq8hI7myhSOU

Looking after your mental health
Finally, if you are struggling with your mental health during this time, do try to get help. Reaching out to others can feel like the very last thing you want to do, but there are people and organisations who can help. We have signposted some support-providers here: myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/getting-started-after-lockdown/supporting-our-people/

Page Last Updated: March 8, 2021

Weekly news 4 February

tonight’s BBC TV News at 6pm will (fingers crossed) include a story about the impact of COVID and lockdown on RDA and our participants. We are grateful to Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, for agreeing to be interviewed for the story, and to members of Chalkdown RDA for helping to make this happen.

The BBC filmed Michael riding and interviewed his mum to highlight the benefits of our activities for the small number of riders who are able to continue at the moment, and to raise awareness of the many more who can’t. They interviewed The Princess Royal this morning, who was well-briefed on the situation at groups, the impact on riders and volunteers, the ways RDA has adapted to the crisis and the challenges of restarting.

Thank you to everyone involved for making it possible to raise awareness of our work in this way, during very difficult circumstances. I hope you enjoy watching it tonight – and fingers crossed a bigger story doesn’t come along to bump us off the schedule!

Cancellation of National Championships

After further deliberation between the organisers and the RDA UK Board of Trustees, and consultation with the wider RDA community, we have sadly decided not to run a face-to-face National Championships this year. There is a letter on MyRDA from Championships Lead, Anne Coney and Chief Executive Ed Bracher, which goes into more detail, and if your group usually competes I would urge you to download and share this with your volunteers and participants. You can find it here: myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/national-championships/#

Virtual Championships

In better news, we will definitely be holding a ‘Virtual Championships’, which may even allow more riders and drivers to take part. Details of this will be circulated as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about the Championships, please contact Fiona Harris fharris@rda.org.uk

End of E-Learning extensions to Safeguarding Certificates.

We have had an exemption in place allowing those who needed face-to-face safeguarding training to update via the e-learning course for a second time. This exemption was valid for a year and comes to an end on 31 March.

From 1 April, all those needing face-to-face training will need to attend a course either in person when allowed, or via live online courses using platforms such as Zoom. RDA is able to run online courses free of charge for up to 20 participants. Other equestrian organisations such as BHS and Pony Club offer the same training.

Any questions or concerns email Laura Cartwright lcartwright@rda.org.uk

30-minute webinars

This week: Zoom, the basics: 7pm tonight

The 30-minute webinar tonight at 7pm is about Organising and Managing Zoom meetings – with a focus on the real basics for those that have not done this before: how to set up a free Zoom account and set up and run a meeting, with a particular focus on ways to engage volunteers.  It will be hosted by Anna Hall, Director of Operations and Faye McKenning, Projects Coordinator, Volunteer Development.

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_al7Q-QuETe6GZBmQUBiCBQ

If you have any questions you would like answered please email them ahead of time to fmckenning@rda.org.uk  

Next week: 11 Feb, Tea with a Pony project

Find out more from Cotswold RDA’s Claire Jenkins about this popular project, the impact it is making on those who take part, and the benefits to the group.  More details next week. Registration at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HxQN0jUFRsWqpw1cy5PkXQ

YouTube Channel

If you were unable to attend Doug’s webinar on training horses during lockdown, a recording of the session can be found on our new MyRDA YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/nVhad9UITrI

The channel is a bit empty at the moment, but I will be populating it with training videos and webinars so we can offer a dedicated channel for volunteer learning and development. The main RDAnational YouTube Channel will remain as a public ‘shopfront’ for RDA.

Free vaccination scheme for RDA horses

For a number of years, pharmaceutical companies have supplied free vaccines for RDA equines ‘who contribute a significant amount of their time doing RDA activities’. Claiming the free vaccine is easy: just print off the form from MyRDA, ask the vet to fill it in when the equine has their jabs and then send a copy to the pharmaceutical company. For more information, please visit myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/horses-and-rda/vaccinations/#

Endurance News

Certificates for everyone who completed the Endurance League will be posted within the next week.

RDA members are eligible for Endurance GB Club Membership or can join as Supporters (which is FREE) and as part of that can register as Para Endurance Riders (even those who are traditionally unclassifiable).

Visit https://egb.myclubhouse.co.uk/Cms/Spaces/JOINING/Club+Membership for details.

SEIB Livery Yard & Riding School of the Year Awards

Entries for this year’s awards close on 16 March and there is a category for RDA Centres. More info here: www.seib.co.uk/awards/?fbclid=IwAR37J9BovVoulvY1DvaaiEXKv57bvAbuvKxCzmlFh4vE5qRDq8hI7myhSOU

Page Last Updated: February 4, 2021

Weekly news 28 January

Emergency grants to groups

Tomorrow is the deadline for the current round of group grants. All information and the application form can be found here:  myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/group-fundraising

Training Horses During Lockdown webinar, tonight at 7pm

There are a few spaces left for tonight’s 30 minute webinar about training horses during lockdown. The session features Equine Lead Doug Smith answering your questions, hosted by our very own Emma Bayliss. Register to join at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mquTojfESQKMrqvmTivtCg      

Equine Behaviour & Training webinar, Monday 1 Feb, 7:30pm

Another great learning opportunity, this time from Regional Vet Tess Fordham. This talk will outline the basics of equine behaviour and training with a particular focus on training horses to park as well as training techniques for safe handling in a post-covid RDA setting. It is relevant for coaches, participants, volunteers, families, carers and staff.

Register for this at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYodemrpz4jGNQWWojcKjKhYTB0ReaAjb9I

More webinars from RDA UK are planned for the next few weeks. The next will be at 7pm on 4 Feb and will be about how to make the most of your personal zoom account. I’ll circulate the registration link in next week’s email.

Updates to the RDA Rulebook

The RDA Rulebook has been updated. If you are not familiar with it, the rulebook contains equipment rules for RDA sessions, as well as competition rules. For 2021, the rule changes are available as inserts to the 2020 book. They will soon be going online, but you can also request a hard copy of the updates here: myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/national-championships/rulebook-request/

South West Regional Chair vacancy

If you or someone you know might be interested in the above role, please email Faye McKenning at fmckenning@rda.org.uk

Helping with some interesting university research

If you would like to, we are asking groups to circulate the information below to any of your adult riders who have Cerebral Palsy. Charlotte is undertaking an interesting research project and we would like to help if possible.

Study Participants Needed

Self-Reported Physical Activity Levels in Adults with Cerebral Palsy: An insight into a UK population

Are you an adult 18 years or over?  Do you have mild to moderate cerebral palsy (GMFCS levels 1 to 4)?

Hi, my name is Charlotte Kreiner and I am a Masters student studying Physiotherapy (Pre-registration) at the University of Brighton.

  • For my Masters Dissertation, I am looking for adults (18 years and over) with mild to moderate cerebral palsy (GMFCS levels 1 to 4) to participate in a brief online survey.
  • The survey will aim to help provide an insight into physical activity levels of adults with cerebral palsy in the UK, as well as factors that can affect physical activity levels.
  • Physical activity involves any voluntary movement including walking (including with a frame or propelling chair), housework, horse-riding, or swimming for example.
  • Participation is voluntary. The online survey will be anonymous, take approximately 20 minutes to self-complete (with/without a carer to use a keyboard if required), and after submitting the online survey, this will complete your involvement in the survey.
  • You will need access to an internet-enabling device to complete the survey.

If you have any questions related to your involvement in the study or would like the participant information sheet for further information, please contact Charlotte Kreiner (c.kreiner1@uni.brighton.ac.uk).

If you would consider participating in the study, please click on the survey link here: https://brighton.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/self-reported-physical-activity-levels-in-adults-with-cere-3

Page Last Updated: January 28, 2021

Weekly news 21 January

Congratulations to Susan Hewetson-Brown of Newbury Pony Driving group for receiving the Dudley-Smith Award, which recognises volunteers who have made an important contribution to RDA Carriage Driving.

Emergency grants to groups

A reminder that our current grants round for groups closes on 29 January. All information and the application form can be found here:  myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/group-fundraising

Carriage Driving Lead

After years of dedicated service, Margaret Brockie is stepping down from her role as Carriage Driving Lead. Margaret has done a huge amount to encourage and develop driving with RDA (including the introduction of Driving to the National Championships), and to promote RDA Driving to the outside world. She has been a huge support to the staff team, the Driving Committee and our Driving groups around the UK. Thank you Margaret for everything you have given to the role.

We are now looking for a new Carriage Driving Lead. If you would like to register your interest, please email Emma Bayliss ebayliss@rda.org.uk

New webinar series

We are introducing a new series of webinars on a range of topics, kicking off next Thursday 28 at 7pm with an interview with RDA Equine Lead, Doug Smith. Doug will be answering questions about equine training during lockdown.

To register for this webinar visit:

https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mquTojfESQKMrqvmTivtCg  (If registration is full or you can’t make the date, a recording will be available afterwards).

If you have a question for Doug please email it to Emma Bayliss as soon as possible ebayliss@rda.org.uk

If you would like to suggest a topic for future webinars relating to lockdown and restarting, please email groupsupport@rda.org.uk

Creative Writing Competition

Please spread the word about the Creative Writing Competition. Entries close on 26 February. It is open to RDA participants of all ages and abilities and entry is completely free. All entries will receive a rosette, with a prize for the overall winners.

More details and an entry form can be found here: myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/education-asdan/  or contact Alex Walker awalker@rda.org.uk or 01926 405971.

Online Accredited Equine Facilitated Learning courses

Here are a couple of great opportunities for those looking to develop their skills in Equine Facilitated Learning, brought to you by Equi-Scotia.

Introduction to Equine Facilitated Learning

The online ‘Intro’ course is a series of three 2-hour evening workshops suitable for anyone with an interest in the subject. Visit www.equi-scotia.com/our-events/  for more details.

Professional Certificate in Equine Facilitated Learning & Development

This qualification is suitable for those with relevant qualifications who are active in the delivery of; education, counselling, coaching, youth work, therapy, equestrian activities and/or mental health services. Visit www.equi-scotia.com/professional-certificate-in-equine-facilitated-learning-efl-and-development/ for more information.

HETI 2021 – call for abstracts

This year’s HETI Conference (June 7-11 – real or virtual) is taking place in Seoul Korea. Under the theme of “Widen the Spectrum”, the organisers will welcome over 800 instructors, therapists, and experts from around the world for an exchange on the developments and future vision for the sector.

The organising committee is accepting submissions of abstracts for talks or poster presentations. If you are interested in taking part, please visit http://heti2021.org/html/user/core/view/basic/main/166/mail/m-e03.html

Free Zoom talk from The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies

Edinburgh & Borders Regional Vet Tess Fordham has arranged for RDA members to be able to join the following free talk:

Wednesday 27th January 7.30pm via Zoom –

Equine Lockdown Lard – so many experts, so few solutions – what’s the latest in equine obesity? Dr Ruth Morgan will be presenting her latest research into equine obesity. 

Sign up here: https://edinburgh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/equine-client-evenings-jan-20th-730pm-strangles-and-jan

With many thanks to Tess.

An evening with Sophie Christiansen

Sophie Christiansen CBE is giving a talk ‘Pandemic to Paralympics’ on 28 January from 6-7pm on Zoom. The event is a fundraiser for Andover RDA and Sophie’s Gold Club. Details and bookings here: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/displayCharityCampaignPage.action?charityCampaignUrl=AndoverRDA-talk

Page Last Updated: January 28, 2021

Weekly news 14 January

Welcome to three new Regional Chairs: In Great London – Paul Turner; Celia McMorran in Northern Ireland and in West & Central Scotland Dominic Ind. Thank you and welcome to you all.

Thanks also to the outgoing Chairs: Julie Frazer (NI), Mike Locke (GL) and Kate Bennet (W&CS) for everything you have done to support your regions and the wider RDA community while in post.

Remember we still have a vacancy for a Regional Chair in the South West. Email Faye at fmckenning@rda.org.uk for details. 

Emergency grants to groups and other funding options

We are pleased to be launching today a third round of grants to provide support through the pandemic.  We have made the process as straightforward as possible, but please read the instructions carefully before applying.  You can apply for a grant for financial hardship; or for a grant to help your group restart (when possible) or adapt to broaden services and benefit more people.  The closing date is 29th January.

All information and the application form can be found here:  


A useful list of other funding and financial support information can be found at: https://learn.sportenglandclubmatters.com/mod/page/view.php?id=670

National Championships

It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to review the possibility of running a face-to-face National Championships at Hartpury this year. If you had sight of yesterday’s email to RDA UK volunteers, you will see this is an overnight change to what we said then. I’m sorry if this causes any confusion but please consider today’s email to be our most up to date position.

Originally, our policy was to continue to plan as if there was to be a physical Championships and review it at the time that we would be required to commit any resource to the event.  However, it is clear that the most recent lockdown and the possibility of restrictions continuing for some time means that there will be potential difficulties running regional qualifiers, not to mention the issues that riders will face trying to train for the event.  We are therefore going to review the plan and will make a firm decision in the next week or so.  

I realise this will be a further frustration and disappointment to many people, but I hope you will understand that we need to proceed with caution and also take into consideration how the current restrictions are likely to affect things.

Virtual Championships

Whether or not the face-to-face Championships goes ahead, we will be running a virtual National Championships in September. This will hopefully enable more people to take part and allow us to run classes which otherwise might not have taken place at all this year.

We will confirm our position on the National Championships and provide details about the virtual event as soon as possible.

Sad loss of two RDA ‘stalwarts’

It is with sadness that we report the deaths of Carolyn Walker MCSP from the South West Region, and Jane Matthews from Mid-West.

Carolyn was a long-standing, dedicated RDA supporter and CPTRH member who held many roles over the years, notably as a Chartered Physiotherapist providing support and advice to RDA groups. We will miss Carolyn’s professional caring attitude, her great sense of humour and her love of travel to HETI conferences.

Jane was a great stalwart of RDA in Wiltshire, having in the past held positions such as County Chairman, Chairman of Lackham RDA and latterly Wansdyke Driving Group to name but a few of her roles. She was a tireless fundraiser and driving force for RDA right up until she became unwell, and will be sadly missed.

With thanks to Lynne Munro and Rachel Vaughan-Johns.

Vacancy for RDA UK Chair

A reminder that we are recruiting for a new Chair for RDA UK. Don’t hide your light under a bushel! RDA is full of talented, experienced people who would be ideally placed to bring their knowledge of RDA and leadership skills to our national board. Click the link below for more details, or call Chief Executive Ed Bracher for an informal chat (or if you have someone you would like to recommend).


Free NAF garlic supplements

NAF (the feed manufacturer) is offering RDA groups in mainland England, Wales and Scotland free 500g and 10kg tubs of its garlic feed supplement (now discontinued so not to be sold on, but sealed and in date).

Interested groups should fill out the form at the link below. The details will be sent on to NAF for them to allocate supplies, based on the number of horses and how much they have in stock. This is on a first come, first served basis and we can’t guarantee your group will receive some.

Offer closes 22 January. Apply online at:


Any questions email Helen at hkallow@rda.org.uk

Horsefest – exclusive ticket offer for RDA members and volunteers

HorseFest is a new, three day festival for horse fans, taking place from July 23 to 25. Visit www.horsefest.org for all the details.

Early bird tickets are on sale now while available or until 28 February. Thanks to the team at HorseFest, we have secured a further discount for RDA members and volunteers with 10% off any Adult, Young Person, Child or Family entry ticket. Just use the code HORSEFESTRDA10 at the checkout on the website.

More information about HorseFest and this exclusive offer at MyRDA here: myrda.org.uk/exclusive-horsefest-ticket-offer-for-rda-members/

Page Last Updated: January 28, 2021

Weekly news 10 December

RDA on ITV advert

If you didn’t happen to be watching Supermarket Sweep on Saturday, you may have missed the lovely People’s Postcode Lottery advert featuring RDA. I am allowed to share it until the end of this week, so visit our Facebook page or follow this link and take a look: https://youtu.be/FIcypeD0R70

Restarting hippotherapy

Hippotherapy is now able to restart at those groups that can offer it.  The guidance is now live on the myRDA website, covering details such as training horses and volunteers, as well as the extensive use of personal protective equipment following CSP and CPTRH guidelines.  Visit myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/getting-started-after-lockdown/24335-2/

We are still looking for groups to send in their ideas for activities that can be done at home, so please be on the look out for resources that you think might be good to share. Email Alex Walker at awalker@rda.org.uk

RDA at Home

Community Sport & Recreation Awards

There is a £1000 prize up for grabs for winners of a Community Sport & Recreation Award, organised by the Sport & Recreation Alliance (of which RDA is a member through the BEF). The awards ‘showcase the very best projects and initiatives at grassroots level’ and they are free to enter. This year’s categories are:

  • Youth Development
  • Resilience in Adversity
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Sustainable Programme

Details and entry form here: www.sportandrecreation.org.uk/pages/awards  The deadline is 21 December.

Vacancy at Cavalier Centre, home of Perry RDA

Cavalier Centre in Shropshire has a maternity leave vacancy for a full time Volunteer Coordinator and Executive Assistant. Click here for details: https://findajob.dwp.gov.uk/details/5078140?v=F34C4BF506DC076027BC125B8D1ACABBE8F63D3D

Page Last Updated: January 28, 2021

Weekly news 3 December

Harry Hall Charity of the Year

Equestrian outfitters Harry Hall are looking for nominations to be one of their three charities of the year in 2021. You can help ensure that RDA is on the shortlist by visiting the Harry Hall Facebook page (@HarryHallRiding) and commenting in the relevant post tagging in @RDANational. Or visit their nominations page at: https://harryhall.com/charity-partnership-donations .

This would be a fantastic opportunity for us so please share with your friends and family as well as your RDA network.

First Aid training

As well as taking bookings directly from RDA Groups and Regions for courses, Medi-K & First Aid Training Cooperative have planned a number of public 1-day ‘Emergency First Aid at Work’ and 3-day ‘First Aid at Work’ courses at venues across the UK in 2021. If you are interested in booking a place or places at one of these courses, please visit: https://firstaidtrainingcooperative.co.uk/public-first-aid-courses/cat-13-equestrian-first-aid/

You can also find a full list of dates for these courses on the events page of MyRDA at myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/events/

Discount for Groups at Townfields Saddlers

A reminder that Townfield Saddlers offer 15% off online orders to all RDA groups. Just enter the following code at the checkout: RDAS15

Townfields supply everything from stable equipment, clothing, body protectors and hats as well as saddlery. They will even drop off to local yards for bigger bulky orders. Visit www.townfields.com to view their range and to take advantage of this brilliant offer.

A huge thank you to the team at Townfields Saddlers for their continued support of RDA.

RDA Tartan scarves and ties

The RDA scarves are still available to buy from Norvite, despite a run on them after my previous email. They make fantastic Christmas gifts so visit www.norvitefarmandcountry.com/11406/products/rda-50th-anniversary-tartan-lambswool-scarf.aspx and place your order today.

In addition, there are a small number of tartan ties available (I can send you a picture of our Chief Executive, Ed Bracher sporting one at last year’s AGM if you want to know what they look like). They cost £24 including post and packaging (1st class, registered).  If you would like to snap up one of the last 11 ties please email Kim McCutcheon at eandb.region.rda@gmail.com. When they are gone, they are gone!

RDA on ITV Christmas advert

With thanks to Centre of England and Ravelrig groups, RDA features in a Postcode Lottery advert to be aired on Saturday 5 December at 19:15 (during Celebrity Supermarket Sweep!). It’s a lovely thing so please do tune in.

BETA survey

BETA (British Equestrian Trade Association) has launched a new survey to riders covering two main topics:

  • Their perceptions of coaching qualifications, the importance of these when selecting coaches and other criteria used in coach selection.
  • Riding activity and purchasing behaviour since the beginning of the year to better understand spending and riding patterns and in terms of buying channels whether any change is a temporary or permanent one.

The link to the survey is: https://wh1.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=160624164105 and you have the opportunity to win a £50 shopping voucher.

Page Last Updated: January 28, 2021

Weekly news 26 November

We are sorry to share the sad news that Pat Burgess, Founder of Wilton RDA in Wiltshire, has sadly passed away. Pat was a much-loved figure throughout RDA, especially of course at her group and in the region. Described as a ‘powerhouse’ of a person, Pat said she ran Wilton on ‘love, joy and enthusiasm’. We could all do with a bit more of that at the moment, and Pat will be sadly missed.

You can read more about Pat here www.rdawilton.co.uk/calendar-news-events/pat-burgess  

Financial support for groups in England

Today’s DMCS announcement of a ‘Winter Survival Package’ will unfortunately not benefit RDA groups. However:

Sport England ‘Return to Play’ funds

There are three funds still open for application from Sport England, part of a wider package of over £220m of support which they have provided since late March (which several groups have already benefited from). Find out more here: www.sportengland.org/how-we-can-help/our-funds 

Support for closed businesses

RDA groups in England that pay business rates may be eligible for a grant following the latest lockdown. Check your eligibility here: www.gov.uk/guidance/check-if-your-business-is-eligible-for-a-coronavirus-grant-due-to-national-restrictions-for-closed-businesses

Groups in Scotland entering Level 4

We updated Regional Chairs in Scotland yesterday following the Scottish First Minister’s announcement that will bring a number of areas into Level 4 from this Friday, 20 November at 6pm. If you are affected by the changes or just want to keep up to date visit myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/getting-started-after-lockdown/rules-for-scotland and read: COVID-19: What it means to groups in Scotland for all the details.

Vacancy: Regional Chair West & Central Scotland

Kate Bennet will be stepping down as Regional Chair for West & Central Scotland after nine successful years in post, and we are now looking for her replacement.  This is a fantastic opportunity to bring your knowledge, experience and professionalism to a key role in RDA UK, so please get in touch to find out more. We also have vacancies for Regional Chairs in Greater London and South West. Contact Faye McKenning in the office (fmckenning@rda.org.uk) if you would like to find out more about these roles – or any other RDA UK volunteer positions currently vacant.

Clare Balding signed bookplates

A reminder that the Clare Balding signed bookplate scheme is open until tomorrow. If you want to take part, here’s how it works:

  • Buy your copies of Heroic Animals as cheaply as you can
  • One coordinator per group, head to myrda.org.uk/clare-balding-book and fill out the details.
  • We’ll send the information to Clare who will sign the bookplates and return them.
  • You stick them into the books and use them for fundraising
  • The scheme closes on 20 November.

This project is being coordinated by Angela Sly at National Office, so any questions please email her at asly@rda.org.uk .

Page Last Updated: January 28, 2021

Exclusive HorseFest Ticket offer for RDA members

HorseFest is a new, three day festival, taking place from July 23 to 25, for all those horse fans with an interest in the equine world, allowing them to come together, learn, celebrate, have fun and create special memories.

And for those who can’t manage to get away for the whole weekend, day tickets are now on sale for the Saturday and Sunday with a packed line-up planned, all for just £65 at the Early Bird day ticket price.

Thanks to the team at HorseFest we have secured a further discount for RDA members and volunteers with 10% off any Adult, Young Person, Child or Family entry ticket. Just use the code HORSEFESTRDA10 at the checkout on the website.

Held at the stunning Weston Park in Shropshire, the event includes a variety of interactive and inclusive performances and demonstrations from top riders and experts across all areas of the equestrian world, all designed to help the HorseFest festivalgoers to learn and develop their own knowledge in an inspirational and caring environment.

Entry to HorseFest whether with a day or weekend ticket, includes workshops, talks, large and small arena demonstrations, as well as music and entertainment into the late evening. Ten headline experts and professionals are already announced and there’s more to come!

If you want to see and watch everything on offer a weekend ticket is a must to ensure you don’t miss out on one of HorseFest’s fantastic headliners.

Across the weekend HorseFest will showcase an amazing 36 Main Arena demonstrations, 124 workshops, talks and interviews to participate in; a wellbeing zone, children’s area for family fun, equestrian and lifestyle trade stands, delicious catering, three nights of music, bands and DJs; and there’s six ways to stay, from tents to live in vehicles, glamping or cottages and rooms in Weston Park if you want to enjoy the full magical experience.

Saturday so far includes:

  • Eventing mother and daughter duo, Mary and Emily King
  • Grand Prix dressage rider Sam Turner and her traditional gypsy cob, Billy Whiz
  • Performance psychologist Charlie Unwin
  • UK based Australian Horseman, Jason Webb
  • All action stuntman himself, Ben Atkinson
  • Dressage legend and renowned story teller, Steph Croxford
  • Event rider and presenter Jonty Evans with Cooley Rorkes Drift
  • Jamaican event rider and mentor, Lydia Heywood
  • Gillian Higgins of Horses Inside Out

Sunday so far includes:

  • Leading showjumper and trainer, Jay Halim
  • Top event rider Lissa Green
  • UK based Australian Horseman, Jason Webb
  • Event rider and presenter Jonty Evans with Cooley Rorkes Drift
  • Gillian Higgins of Horses Inside Out
  • Dressage legend and renowned story teller, Steph Croxford
  • All action stuntman himself, Ben Atkinson
  • Jamaican event rider and mentor, Lydia Heywood

With leading names already signed up, topics covered will include training on and off the ground, saddlery fitting, biomechanics, physiology of horse and rider and many more – there will be something for everyone to get involved with and enjoy whilst learning.

As well as the educational element, socialising is a key ingredient in the HorseFest mix, and the horse world does love a party!

At night, unwind, relax or dance the night away with the live music and entertainment or get involved with fun quizzes as you treat yourself to a drink or two!

Throughout the event there will be a variety of tasty and innovative food stalls and bars as well as a shopping village that will include horsey and lifestyle stands to browse and enjoy.

Not forgetting the little ones, the festival will have fairground activities, a play area, arts and crafts and hugely popular hobby horse races to keep children entertained.

Early Bird Adult Ticket Prices are available until they are sold out or February 28, 2021. Come along for the whole weekend and stay 3 nights for £165 per adult or day tickets are £65 per adult You can bring the family (2 adults and 2 young persons and/or children) for the weekend for  £350 or a family day ticket is £150.

For further information and to book your tickets visit www.horsefest.org


For further information please contact Issy Cooke at TSM on (01724) 784600.

Page Last Updated: January 13, 2021

Weekly News 19 November

We are sorry to share the sad news that Pat Burgess, Founder of Wilton RDA in Wiltshire, has sadly passed away. Pat was a much-loved figure throughout RDA, especially of course at her group and in the region. Described as a ‘powerhouse’ of a person, Pat said she ran Wilton on ‘love, joy and enthusiasm’. We could all do with a bit more of that at the moment, and Pat will be sadly missed.
You can read more about Pat here www.rdawilton.co.uk/calendar-news-events/pat-burgess

Financial support for groups in England
Today’s DMCS announcement of a ‘Winter Survival Package’ will unfortunately not benefit RDA groups. However:
Sport England ‘Return to Play’ funds
There are three funds still open for application from Sport England, part of a wider package of over £220m of support which they have provided since late March (which several groups have already benefited from). Find out more here: www.sportengland.org/how-we-can-help/our-funds
Support for closed businesses
RDA groups in England that pay business rates may be eligible for a grant following the latest lockdown. Check your eligibility here: www.gov.uk/guidance/check-if-your-business-is-eligible-for-a-coronavirus-grant-due-to-national-restrictions-for-closed-businesses

Groups in Scotland entering Level 4
We updated Regional Chairs in Scotland yesterday following the Scottish First Minister’s announcement that will bring a number of areas into Level 4 from this Friday, 20 November at 6pm. If you are affected by the changes or just want to keep up to date visit myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/getting-started-after-lockdown/rules-for-scotland and read: COVID-19: What it means to groups in Scotland for all the details.

Vacancy: Regional Chair West & Central Scotland
Kate Bennet will be stepping down as Regional Chair for West & Central Scotland after nine successful years in post, and we are now looking for her replacement. This is a fantastic opportunity to bring your knowledge, experience and professionalism to a key role in RDA UK, so please get in touch to find out more. We also have vacancies for Regional Chairs in Greater London and South West. Contact Faye McKenning in the office (fmckenning@rda.org.uk) if you would like to find out more about these roles – or any other RDA UK volunteer positions currently vacant.

Clare Balding signed bookplates
A reminder that the Clare Balding signed bookplate scheme is open until tomorrow. If you want to take part, here’s how it works:

  • Buy your copies of Heroic Animals as cheaply as you can
  • One coordinator per group, head to myrda.org.uk/clare-balding-book and fill out the details.
  • We’ll send the information to Clare who will sign the bookplates and return them.
  • You stick them into the books and use them for fundraising
  • The scheme closes on 20 November.

This project is being coordinated by Angela Sly at National Office, so any questions please email her at asly@rda.org.uk .

Page Last Updated: November 19, 2020