Dressage offers the opportunity for riders to show a judge, parents, friends and helpers what has been achieved during the riding sessions.
It can also help an instructor to set goals, allowing the riders to demonstrate often hidden reservoirs of determination to achieve and can vividly show the benefits of previous instruction. Dressage can be easily linked to the requirements of the National Curriculum.
In this section you will find all the resources and guidance you need to include dressage in your RDA sessions and to enter RDA competitions.
RDA offers a number of dressage tests for both classified and non classified riders, all of these tests can be found here. Our tests are reviewed from time to time so please ensure you are using the correct version.
RDA works closely with both British Dressage (BD) and the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) to assist those riders wanting to progress to Para Equestrian Dressage, to find out what training and other opportunities are available please click here
RDA use qualified BD Judges for all Regional Qualifiers and National Championships. If you would like to find out more about becoming a Judge or you would like to attend a refresher training course please click here
Picture Board Dressage Markers
We now have pictures on our Dressage diagrams, if you would like to order matching markers for your arena you can order them from Sportsmark. There is a 10% discount code for RDA groups if ordering from the website, the code is rda10uk
BEF Entry Programme
This training initiative, supported by funding from Sport England, offers regional training opportunities led by top international coaches. The aim of this initiative is to encourage young riders to make the next steps towards competing in British Dressage (BD) Para Equestrian competitions and entry onto the talent pathway. This programme has already assisted riders to move onto the more advanced talent pathway schemes leading to the British Equestrian Podium Potential Pathway Programme.
These regional training sessions take place in RDA centres which offer a safe environment for riders at a pathway entry point and progression opportunities for those who do not own their own horse. The opportunity is open to riders from the RDA centre’s own group and other local groups.
To be eligible to apply to ride on these days, riders must…
- Hold a National classification within the Grades I–V and be eligible to compete in British Dressage Para Equestrian competition*
- Be currently scoring 60% or above in their relevant grade at RDA qualifiers for the RDA National Championships
Your application will be accepted within one of the following age groups:
- Group 1 – Riders between 13–14yrs
- Group 2 – Riders between 15–20yrs
- Group 3 – Riders 21yrs and above
Riders who wish to be considered for a place on a regional training day should download the application form below and return the completed application form to Georgie Wheeler at georgie.wheeler@bef.co.uk or by post to British Equestrian Federation, Abbey Park, Stareton, Warwickshire, CV8 2RH. If your application is successful and we have enough riders in a region to offer a training day, you will be notified by email of a date and venue. For more info see BEF website
Dressage Anywhere
Dressage Anywhere offer online classes using our RDA tests. For more info please see their website
Learning Disability Championships Opportunity 2021 (2022 info coming shortly)
The UK Sports Association (UKSA) works with people who have learning disabilities across the UK in performance/elite sport. They are recognised by UK Sport and a member of the British Paralympic Association. They implement, manage and lead the eligibility and classification system for athletes with learning disability from across the UK and across a number of sports. Once UKSA have classified athletes, they are then eligible to register their interest to compete in the Virtus Virtual World Championships. More recently Virtus have included Dressage as one of the sports on offer and have been running a virtual Dressage Championship which allows participants to compete against fellow competitors all over the world.
RDA have teamed up with UKSA to make this opportunity available for our ID competitors. If our RDA Championships were running at their usual time in July, then we would be using them as a qualifying base but due to the closing date for the Virtus Championships being in early October we will be using our Regional Qualifiers for 2021.
Junior competitors in classes ID Walk & Trot and ID Walk, Trot, Canter and Senior competitors in ID Walk, Trot, Canter who score the qualifying percentage of 60% and feature in the top three placings will be looked at by RDA National Office, Regional Organisers and Dressage Reps and the participant’s Coach. If they’re deemed suitable then they will be invited to go through the process which may lead them to be selected to compete at the Virtus Virtual World Championships representing Great Britain. The process includes classification which will incur a fee payable by the individual or RDA group to UKSA. Please note that the criteria for classification are more restrictive than RDA definition of ID and so there will be some participants who will not be eligible.
You can find more info about this initiative here
For full results of this competition please click here