Annual Return's need to be completed by Thursday THIS WEEK. Click here to complete yours.

Equines in RDA

In this section of the website, you will find useful resources and information that you will need to keep our RDA equines fit and well. (For policies the group should adopt please go to the Policies Page).

Please scroll down this page for more information. We also have sub-pages that contain a range of information from vaccinations to helpful videos. Useful forms can be found in the right-hand side resources section. 


Since October 2020 it has been mandatory for all owners to microchip their horses, ponies and donkeys. The new Central Equine Database will then allow local authorities and police to track down the owners of dumped horses and make sure they are punished and the animals are given the care they deserve. It will also mean lost or stolen horses will be reunited with their owners more easily.

You can check your microchip is registered on the Central Equine Database. If you don’t find a record of this then please contact your Passport Issuing Authority. For more information on microchips and the law please click here

Equine Contacts

We have a WhatsApp group for RDA Groups who own and loan their own Equines. This is in addition to our normal Group Equine Advisor contact, although the same person may be on both. If you would like to be added to this group please email Doug Smith

We also have an ‘RDA Equine’ Facebook page where you can advertise equines/share adverts or place wanted ads.

Please use the RDA Handbook to contact your REA or email into National Office on   

Horse Movement and Brexit

Please follow the link to the BEF page for information on horse movement after Brexit.


Page Last Updated: February 10, 2025