Hosting events is a great way to raise funds, find volunteers, and increase visibility in your community. Ideas include tack sales, open days, fetes, or Christmas concerts.
You can also join bigger events like county shows or encourage supporters to take part in challenge events like sponsored rides or runs. Local clubs like schools, scout groups, and golf clubs can offer support.
When planning:
- Be clear on your goals: Fundraising, Publicity, or Recruitment.
- Budget carefully and keep costs low for maximum profits.
- Plan for how you’ll gather info from potential volunteers.
Fundraising Platforms
There are various fundraising platforms that can be used, most are designed to be used for specific activities. All will charge a percentage and certain fees, so be on the look out for the platform that allows you to benefit most… Oh, and don’t forget Gift Aid!
Here are some of the most common:
- Very good platform for challenge events, or fundraising for a birthday!
- Start your Just Giving journey: Online fundraising donations and ideas – JustGiving
- Great platform for specific campaigns: improvements or emergency repairs. Be specific and don’t forget to look at the +Extra Funding option!
- | Is Crowdfunder Right For You?
Go Fund Me:
- A fun way to run a fundraising campaign:
- How GoFundMe Works
Claiming Gift Aid:
- Your donors will have to tick a box on each platform to confirm that they are eligible to give Gift Aid – which is an uplift of 25%!
- You can find out more here: Claim Gift Aid online – GOV.UK (
Running a Successful Campaign
Penniwells RDA Group were recently on a panel with Sport England to talk about their successful Crowdfunder campaign:
Penniwells RDA Share their Learning