Legacy Gifts (Gift In Wills)

Since 1990, the value of gifts left to UK charities in wills has increased from £1 billion to £4 billion. This amount is expected to double again to £8 billion by 2040, driven by: 

  • Inflation (estate values rising with the economy) 
  • Demographic trends (more deaths) 
  • Growing awareness of charitable gifts in wills 

This growth benefits all charities, especially small, local ones, as more people prefer to leave gifts to charities they have a personal connection with. 

Legacies vs Gifts in Wills 

“Gifts in Wills” and “Legacies” mean the same thing. However, we prefer using “Gifts in Wills” because research shows that the word “legacies” makes people think of large, old-fashioned donations. This can feel out of reach for many people. 
“Gifts in Wills” is a more modern and relatable term, showing that anyone can leave a gift, no matter the size. 
“Gifts in Wills” is far more relatable and something we all can do. 

Gifts in Wills are a growing way for charities to raise money. Even one gift can make a big difference to your group. 

It’s an easy, low-cost way to fundraise. Your community just needs to know that this option exists and trust that your group will use the money wisely. 
You don’t have to directly ask for gifts. By talking confidently about your group’s future and needs, people will know they can include you in their will if they choose to.  

Here are a few simple steps to help secure future gifts for your group: 

  1. Watch the “Gift In Wills Webinar” with expert Richard Radcliffe. Think about how his advice fits your group. 
  1. Share and discuss the RDA Groups Legacy Toolkit at your next meeting. It explains why and how to talk about Gifts in Wills, giving ideas that could work for your group and spark new ones. 

These steps can guide your fundraising efforts for the future. 

Useful RDA UK Links and Resources  

  • Use RDA UK’s website wording and images to fit your group’s needs and messaging. 
  • Keep an eye out for RDA UK’s upcoming legacy promotional video, which can be customized by your group (you’ll need a local video editor for help). 
  • Download and adapt the attached posters and bookmark templates to share with your group. 

Once your messages and ideas are ready, here are some extra steps: 

  • If you receive a gift in a will, celebrate it! Tell people about the gift and how it will help your group. You could even put a plaque on a stable as a lasting reminder. 
  • If you’re celebrating a big anniversary or achievement, host a casual event like an Afternoon Tea. Invite your community and share your journey, while reminding them that Gifts in Wills help make it all possible. 

These ideas can keep the conversation going! 


Page Last Updated: January 23, 2025