Weekly news 29 March

This week brings our Road to Restart programme to a close with the theme of ‘Funding’ (details below). Can I just say a huge thank you for the positive response we have had from so many of you. I know not all groups are doing everything at the same pace, and many are facing a frustrating wait before riders and drivers can come back, but the planning and preparations are happening and that has been great to see.

Note to groups in England: Confused by the ‘indoor outdoor’ arena question? Updated, clear guidance about RDA sessions here myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/getting-started-after-lockdown/rules-for-england/

Useful information at MyRDA.org.uk

Our final theme is ‘Funding’, ensuring your group trustees have sufficient confidence in the group’s fundraising capability in order to reopen. The Group Fundraising Support pages of MyRDA contain templates, top tips, ‘how to’ guides and more to help you open up new funding streams and make the most of existing supporters. myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/group-fundraising-events/

30-minute webinar: Thursday 1 April 7pm, Inspirational Fundraising: some case studies

As we all know, raising money is fundamental to everything we do at RDA and this week we will meet some of RDA’s inspirational fundraisers who have encouraged individuals, communities, organisations and others to donate. Please join us if you can. 

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_27p3ZusnR_K9pUg3VR281w  

Next week’s 30-minute webinar: Thursday 8 April 7pm, COVID-19 the medical perspective

Dr Megan Hardman, Chair of the Medical Equestrian Association, discusses a range of topics including Vaccines and Lateral Flow Testing and what they mean for RDA.

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NrPpA5-YShacUqgu2lISWw

After the Road to Restart

While our 5 week restart programme may be coming to an end, we know the work continues. All the resources created and compiled for this project will continue to be available as and when you need them. MyRDA will be kept up to date in line with UK and devolved government changes.

Thursday 30-minute webinars will continue, and we will always record them. They are generally available to view on the MyRDA YouTube Channel by the end of the following day. www.youtube.com/channel/UCrI8v8J0WoEXNCu25ktkm0Q . If you have any suggestions for topics you would like us to cover in the coming weeks and months, please let me know.

Other news in brief

  • Showjumping Coach Training: 31 March, 4-5:30pm. Mike Butcher will be delivering training for coaches who would like to know how to train up to levels 3 and 4. Please register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqf-uhqTwvE91_IHeSr8phmlOnJ8FJPgr3
  • A reminder that the Annual Health Check and Pre-Purchase Examination Policy for equines have come into effect from 1 January 2021. More at: myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/policies/
  • Following the recent outbreak of EHV, British Equestrian have produced an Equine Health Status Declaration Form, which must be completed for any horse attending a show, training or activity run under the affiliation and rules of any British Equestrian member body (of which RDA is one) between 29 March and 12 April 2021. Details and form at: myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/horses-and-rda/
  • There is a new Facebook group called RDA Equine. It is a closed group for ‘horse wanted’ or ‘for sale’ adverts only.
  • All groups who own and loan their own RDA equines will have received an email with a link to an online survey called Project Equine. The survey is designed to help us understand the issues groups face in finding suitable equines. If you need the link email ebayliss@rda.org.uk.
  • 15% off ticket offer for Horsefest by joining HorseTribe. Details at https://horsefest.org/register/free/
Page Last Updated: April 8, 2021

Weekly news 22 March

This week we are focussing on ‘Participants & Partners’, making sure our riders and drivers feel confident about returning to RDA activities, and helping to prepare partner organisations (such as schools) for bringing clients back when the time is right.

Useful information at MyRDA.org.uk

The participant assessment tool, example rider induction briefing, participant consent form and (with thanks to Tara Munro of Gordon RDA), a certificate for riders can all be found under ‘Volunteers & Participants’ at myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/getting-started-after-lockdown/are-you-ready-to-restart/

Here you will also find guidance on working with schools and information for schools about RDA activities.

Helpful films on our MyRDA YouTube Channel

There is a range of videos and presentations relevant to this week on our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrI8v8J0WoEXNCu25ktkm0Q

These include:

  • Rider Interview – An interview with Jean Reid, Participant Rep at Grampian Highland, about her experiences and insight having returned to riding with Moray RDA in the Autumn. This also includes the video Moray created to help familiarise riders with the ‘new normal’.
  • Communication with riders – Lynne Munro’s section in the ‘Road to Restart: Coaching’ webinar contains great information about the rider application form, COVID consent form and completing a rider assessment (about 6:40 minutes in)

30-minute webinar: Thursday 25 March 7pm, Working with schools

Sandra O’Connell of Ashmount School in Leicestershire will give advice and guidance about encouraging schools to bring pupils back to RDA activities.

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_spe8KqFORByjI4g78rDkcQ

Other news in brief

  • Endurance – The RDA Endurance League will restart on 1 April. This will run for twelve months to give more groups the chance to log some miles. Participants can also use a mechanical horse (though they still need to take a real horse’s heart rate!). Carriage Driving groups can add Endurance to their activities. Application form and more info at https://myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/endurance/
Page Last Updated: April 8, 2021

Weekly news

I hope you all enjoyed Her Royal Highness’ video message. Many of you have commented on how lucky we are to have such an informed and understanding President, and I am sure she will have inspired a few groups to think about restarting. If you haven’t seen it yet, it is still available at www.youtube.com/channel/UCrI8v8J0WoEXNCu25ktkm0Q

This week’s theme is all about ‘Equine Readiness’, making sure our RDA horses and ponies are as ready for restart as the rest of us.

Equine restart information at MyRDA.org.uk

The COVID Equine Assessment form is a useful checklist for reintroducing horses into RDA work and can be found here: myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/horses-and-rda/ . Also here you will find details of our free vaccine scheme for RDA horses and ponies who ‘contribute a significant amount of their time to RDA activities’, and details of the Regional Vets and Regional Equine Advisors who are on hand to help.  

The Road to Restart page (myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/getting-started-after-lockdown/) includes information on Hippotherapy.

Helpful films on our MyRDA YouTube Channel

There is a range of videos and presentations relevant to this week on our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrI8v8J0WoEXNCu25ktkm0Q

These include:

  • Getting Horses used to PPE
  • Training Equines

30-minute webinar: Thursday 18 March 7pm, Road to Restart, All about Horses

Doug Smith, Equine Lead, will look at the resources available to help groups with reintroducing RDA horses and ponies. Bethan Randles, National Training Centre Manager will offer advice about communicating with riding schools about restarting sessions, and Eileen Cornish, our new Carriage Driving Lead, will look at reintroducing horses and ponies to driving.

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WcbFLEO3QoiGgvqssOO2LQ

Other news in brief

  • EHV Outbreak – We are monitoring the EHV situation and there is information from Nick Hart, RDA Honorary Vet here: myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/horses-and-rda/  . If you are concerned about an equine’s immediate health please consult your vet. For general advice your Regional Vet is a good point of contact. More useful advice on equine health and biosecurity here: www.msd-animal-health-hub.co.uk/Healthy-Horses
  • Business awards & grants – Do check your local council’s website for Business Awards and Grants. Although many of the current schemes are for business rates payers, we have recently heard about one or two RDA groups that have been successful in gaining discretionary awards, despite not paying business rates.  Many of the schemes close to new applicants at the end of March.
  • Royal visits – Regional Chairs have been sent the bid forms for royal visits, so do ask if you have not received one yet and would like to put a bid in. Bids should be submitted by 29 March to Amanda Perkins (aperkins@rda.org.uk ). This is for visits between 1 September 2021 and 31 January 2022.
  • CP Sport 20th Anniversary Party – Everyone is invited to this free celebratory event on Saturday 27 March 7pm. Details and booking here: https://cpsport.azolve.com/workbench/public/events?ref=46898EA1DFD439C968200F80F199C3524B61A246
Page Last Updated: April 8, 2021

Weekly news 8 March

A message from our President

In support of the ‘Road to restart’, RDA President, Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal has recorded a special message for groups. Please watch and share with your RDA community using this link: https://youtu.be/RnwUUDrhWOo


Step by step information at MyRDA.org.uk

We have created a ‘Road to Restart’ page at myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/getting-started-after-lockdown/. This contains many of our existing resources, and some new ones, ordered step-by-step to make it easier for you to know what to do when.


Helpful films on our MyRDA YouTube Channel

There is a range of new videos and presentations relevant to this week on our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrI8v8J0WoEXNCu25ktkm0Q

These include:

  • Road to Restart – a 20-minute step-by-step narrated presentation about how to restart
  • Getting your site ready – a visit to the National Training Centre to see how they are using signage and hygiene stations to prepare for restart

During this week we will also be adding presentations about:

  • How to complete a COVID-19 risk assessment
  • How to complete a trustee checklist


30-minute webinar: Thursday 11 March 7pm, Things to consider before restarting

Sarah Healing (Greater London, Regional Coach) and Lynne Munro (West Mercia, Regional Coach and Physio) will be chatting about the most important things for group coaches to consider before inviting participants back – and ensuring a safe environment for the whole team.

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wwHWqRPLSICOEjvDsxBa7g


Other news in brief

  • New Carriage Driving Lead: Eileen Cornish has been appointed as the new National Lead for Carriage Driving. Eileen brings a wealth of carriage driving experience and knowledge and I am sure you will join me in welcoming her to this role. 
  • Virtual National Championships: Regional Chairs and Regional Qualifier Organisers have been briefed on the plans for this event, and will be in touch with you in due course about when and how Regional Qualifiers will be held (by video entry). In the meantime, you can find the schedule and other information for the September Virtual National Championships at myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/national-championships/ . There is a training video for Countryside Challenge and a ‘how to film your competition entry’ video on YouTube here: www.youtube.com/channel/UCrI8v8J0WoEXNCu25ktkm0Q
  • D of E Groups: Please complete the annual survey for D of E by Monday 29th March surveymonkey.co.uk/r/dofesurvey
  • Regional Equine Advisors & Vets: Please remember about the equine welfare support available to your group from your regional team, via your Regional Equine Advisor and Regional Vet.
Page Last Updated: March 8, 2021

Weekly news 1 March

Please find here the first of your new Monday emails, as we launch our 5-week ‘Road to Restart’ programme. This week’s theme is ‘Trustee Confidence’.

This week, we want to shine a light on the vital role Group Trustees play in helping groups to restart after lockdown. Even if your group can’t welcome riders or drivers back immediately, trustees at all groups can make huge progress towards reopening by planning and preparing ahead of time.

Please remember to circulate these Monday group emails to your whole group. If you are the designated group contact, sharing information from RDA UK is a key part of your role, so please help everyone to be informed and up to date.


Tuesday 2 March 1pm – lunchtime webinar with Ed Bracher ‘Trustees: Leading Groups out of Lockdown ’

This Tuesday lunchtime, RDA UK Chief Executive Ed Bracher will be presenting a webinar looking at the role of group trustees in preparing groups to restart. With our research showing that supportive trustees are the single most important factor in helping groups to get going, Ed will highlight how trustees can lead their groups out of lockdown.

Registration at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1AxkAds2Rv-itPkuvlXQTw

We would like to prioritise Group Trustees attending this session. If registration is full, the talk will be available by the following morning at our YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCrI8v8J0WoEXNCu25ktkm0Q .


Thursday 4 March, 30-minute webinar, 7pm – ‘Road to Restart: Trustees in Conversation’

This Thursday’s ’30-minute webinar’ features Barbara Manson (Regional Chair for Grampian & Highland, Group Trustee at Gordon RDA) and Pauline Roestenburg (Regional Chair for South East, Group Chair at Chalkdown RDA). Pauline and Barbara will help Group Trustees feel more confident about planning for restart, drawing on their own experiences both at their groups and within their regions.

Registration at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-qXOqf0vQ16fy9lXXWSH8A  


Unsure how to get your trustees together on Zoom?

RDA YouTube recorded webinar: ‘Zoom, The Basics’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Qd2A0EpPfc&feature=youtu.be 

This step-by-step guide from Director of Operations Anna Hall will help support any trustees who have yet to embrace the dreaded Zoom meeting!


Talk to other Group Trustees

Contact your Regional Chair or Marisa at RDA National Office (marisa@rda.org.uk) to be put in touch with a group that has been signed off for restart. It could be you want inspiration from a group local to you, or you want to find one in a similar situation to find out how they tackled specific challenges – either way, there is plenty of support and expertise out there to help your Trustees.


Where to get help

Contact your County or Regional Chair, or call the RDA Group Support Team at National Office on 01926 492915 or groupsupport@rda.org.uk


Other news in brief

Page Last Updated: March 8, 2021

Weekly news 23 February

UK Government announcement

The announcement from Boris Johnson yesterday gives a clear commitment to the easing of restrictions, with two key dates of interest to RDA.

From 8 March, schools will be reopening in England. While this does not relate to RDA activity specifically, groups in England who are already signed off to restart might choose to take this opportunity to open using the exemption for outdoor organised disability sport, if they have not already done so. The details of this can be found on MyRDA at myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/getting-started-after-lockdown/rules-for-england/

29 March signals a return to outdoor organised sport in England. Where this is formally organised, for example through RDA, these will not be subject to the gatherings limits, but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies. For us, this is a limit of 30 people.

From this date or soon after we would hope that all signed off groups in England will choose to reopen in some form, and that other groups will actively prepare to do so.

Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland

From last Monday, some school years returned in Scotland and Wales but the restrictions around other aspects of life, including impact on RDA sessions, has not currently changed since the beginning of the year.

An announcement today from Nicola Sturgeon sets out a plan for more school years to return from 15 March at the earliest with a possibility of opening up non-contact outdoor sport for u18s, the stay at home restriction to be lifted from 5 April alongside the final phase of school reopening and then a gradual reopening thereafter. There is an expectation that Scotland could leave Level 4 restrictions from the last week in April with wider reopening of facilities in some areas.  In Northern Ireland some school years will return from 8 March but currently there are no other changes planned to restrictions until 1 April, subject to review. 

Please be aware we are expecting further updates from the other devolved governments.


Road to Restart

Of course, we know there will be groups that won’t be able to welcome riders back a soon as the end of March and there are good reasons for this. What really matters at the moment is making sure your trustees and volunteers feel motivated and encouraged to get together and start their planning.

Over the next 5 weeks, I will be changing the weekly emails to reflect this change of focus. Each week will have a different theme relating to the ‘Road to Restart’, signposting webinars, guidance and any other resources to help with your planning.

I will send emails on a Monday instead of Thursday, to introduce the theme for that week (along with the usual news). The 5 weeks takes us to 29 March to coincide with what will hopefully be some good news from the Government.

As ever, if you need help with any aspect of your planning and preparations for the coming weeks and months please do get in touch with your brilliant Regional reps or the National Office team. There is also a wealth of experience among groups that managed to reopen last year, many of whom would be more than happy to share what they have learned with others.


30-minute webinars

This week: 25 Feb , 7pm, Advice on First Aid provision & training during lockdown

This will cover changing first aid needs during lockdown, managing and accessing training (and course options) and things RDA groups need to know to be safe and prepared. Please note this is not a First Aid training course!

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gRC9MxNlTNKx9hpUliEgpA

Bonus webinar!

25 Feb – 5-7pm Show Jumping Training

Mike Butcher will take you through all the RDA levels, with a focus on introducing it to your sessions. Open to all. Register at:


Page Last Updated: March 8, 2021

Weekly news 18 February

Congratulations to the whole team at Park Lane Stables in London. If you haven’t heard the news (and I’m pretty sure it will be all over the news!), they smashed their £1million crowd funder target this morning, after a tireless publicity campaign, culminating in a piece on BBC Breakfast which inspired donations of just under half a million pounds in 2 hours. Along the way, the campaign has done a huge amount to raise awareness of RDA’s work more generally, and been a fantastic showcase for the impact we make in our local communities. An inspirational campaign and a great outcome.

30-minute webinars

Tonight: 7pm, RDA and Education

Coaching Lead Karen Thompson will be presenting and answering questions about all things RDA Education: Endeavour Awards, Proficiency Tests and Asdan – as well as giving an insight into her own group’s activities during lockdown. Any questions for Karen email Lyndsay Wager lwager@rda.org.uk

Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GdbkV52TTWi74FE5uFeYjw


Next week:  25 Feb, 7pm, Advice on First Aid provision & training during lockdown

This will cover changing first aid needs during lockdown, managing and accessing training (and course options) and things RDA groups need to know to be safe and prepared. Please note this is not a First Aid training course!

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gRC9MxNlTNKx9hpUliEgpA


Bonus webinar!

25 Feb – 5-7pm Show Jumping Training

Mike Butcher will take you through all the RDA levels, with a focus on introducing it to your sessions. Open to all. Register at:



Zoom training from Bennington Carriages

Bennington Carriages are offering Zoom training sessions for newsletter subscribers. The first one was ‘Harnessing up – Part 1’ with great questions, discussion and fun for all. To find out more about upcoming sessions, subscribe to the newsletter via the link https://www.benningtoncarriages.co.uk/  You can also follow them on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BenningtonCarriagesGB


Reminder: SEIB Search for a Star

SEIB are once again hosting an RDA Virtual Search for a Star Showing Class. Virtual SEIB Search for a Star will take place at Your Horse Virtually Live on the 10 and 11 April 2021. Entries are now open and they close on the 8 March. For more information visit:


Page Last Updated: March 8, 2021

Weekly news 11 February

If you missed last week’s BBC news feature about us, you can watch the report on BBC Sport here: www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/disability-sport/55949440 . Around 6.8 million viewers tune in to the 6pm news and I know some groups have benefited directly from people contacting them after seeing the programme, so I hope your group did too.

30-minute webinars
Tonight: Tea with a Pony: 7pm
Find out more from Claire Jenkins (Cotswold RDA and RDA UK Trustee) and RDA staff member Lucy Stokes about this popular project, the impact it is making on those who take part, and the benefits to the group. Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HxQN0jUFRsWqpw1cy5PkXQ
Next week: 18 Feb, Education & Taking Part at Home
Coaching Lead Karen Thompson will be presenting and answering questions about activities for participants to do at home, Proficiency Tests and Asdan – as well as giving an insight into her own group’s activities during lockdown. Any questions for Karen email Lyndsay Wager lwager@rda.org.uk
Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GdbkV52TTWi74FE5uFeYjw
25 Feb: Advice on First Aid provision & training during lockdown
This will cover changing first aid needs during lockdown, managing and accessing training (and course options) and things RDA groups need to know to be safe and prepared. Please note this is not a First Aid training course!
Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gRC9MxNlTNKx9hpUliEgpA

Subscribe to MyRDA YouTube Channel
So that you can watch all these webinars and other useful videos in your own time, I have set up a new RDA YouTube Channel called MyRDA, which I will be adding videos to over the next few weeks. You can find it here: www.youtube.com/channel/UCrI8v8J0WoEXNCu25ktkm0Q
If we get enough subscribers, I can change the web address to something more memorable, so please do visit the channel and subscribe – that way you’ll also hear about new films as they are uploaded.

SEIB Search for a Star
SEIB are once again hosting an RDA Virtual Search for a Star Showing Class. Virtual SEIB Search for a Star will take place at Your Horse Virtually Live on the 10 and 11 April 2021. Entries are now open and they close on the 8 March. For more information visit:
Also don’t forget the SEIB Livery Yard & Riding School of the Year Awards, which close on 16 March. More info here: www.seib.co.uk/awards/?fbclid=IwAR37J9BovVoulvY1DvaaiEXKv57bvAbuvKxCzmlFh4vE5qRDq8hI7myhSOU

Looking after your mental health
Finally, if you are struggling with your mental health during this time, do try to get help. Reaching out to others can feel like the very last thing you want to do, but there are people and organisations who can help. We have signposted some support-providers here: myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/getting-started-after-lockdown/supporting-our-people/

Page Last Updated: March 8, 2021

Weekly news 4 February

tonight’s BBC TV News at 6pm will (fingers crossed) include a story about the impact of COVID and lockdown on RDA and our participants. We are grateful to Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, for agreeing to be interviewed for the story, and to members of Chalkdown RDA for helping to make this happen.

The BBC filmed Michael riding and interviewed his mum to highlight the benefits of our activities for the small number of riders who are able to continue at the moment, and to raise awareness of the many more who can’t. They interviewed The Princess Royal this morning, who was well-briefed on the situation at groups, the impact on riders and volunteers, the ways RDA has adapted to the crisis and the challenges of restarting.

Thank you to everyone involved for making it possible to raise awareness of our work in this way, during very difficult circumstances. I hope you enjoy watching it tonight – and fingers crossed a bigger story doesn’t come along to bump us off the schedule!

Cancellation of National Championships

After further deliberation between the organisers and the RDA UK Board of Trustees, and consultation with the wider RDA community, we have sadly decided not to run a face-to-face National Championships this year. There is a letter on MyRDA from Championships Lead, Anne Coney and Chief Executive Ed Bracher, which goes into more detail, and if your group usually competes I would urge you to download and share this with your volunteers and participants. You can find it here: myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/national-championships/#

Virtual Championships

In better news, we will definitely be holding a ‘Virtual Championships’, which may even allow more riders and drivers to take part. Details of this will be circulated as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about the Championships, please contact Fiona Harris fharris@rda.org.uk

End of E-Learning extensions to Safeguarding Certificates.

We have had an exemption in place allowing those who needed face-to-face safeguarding training to update via the e-learning course for a second time. This exemption was valid for a year and comes to an end on 31 March.

From 1 April, all those needing face-to-face training will need to attend a course either in person when allowed, or via live online courses using platforms such as Zoom. RDA is able to run online courses free of charge for up to 20 participants. Other equestrian organisations such as BHS and Pony Club offer the same training.

Any questions or concerns email Laura Cartwright lcartwright@rda.org.uk

30-minute webinars

This week: Zoom, the basics: 7pm tonight

The 30-minute webinar tonight at 7pm is about Organising and Managing Zoom meetings – with a focus on the real basics for those that have not done this before: how to set up a free Zoom account and set up and run a meeting, with a particular focus on ways to engage volunteers.  It will be hosted by Anna Hall, Director of Operations and Faye McKenning, Projects Coordinator, Volunteer Development.

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_al7Q-QuETe6GZBmQUBiCBQ

If you have any questions you would like answered please email them ahead of time to fmckenning@rda.org.uk  

Next week: 11 Feb, Tea with a Pony project

Find out more from Cotswold RDA’s Claire Jenkins about this popular project, the impact it is making on those who take part, and the benefits to the group.  More details next week. Registration at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HxQN0jUFRsWqpw1cy5PkXQ

YouTube Channel

If you were unable to attend Doug’s webinar on training horses during lockdown, a recording of the session can be found on our new MyRDA YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/nVhad9UITrI

The channel is a bit empty at the moment, but I will be populating it with training videos and webinars so we can offer a dedicated channel for volunteer learning and development. The main RDAnational YouTube Channel will remain as a public ‘shopfront’ for RDA.

Free vaccination scheme for RDA horses

For a number of years, pharmaceutical companies have supplied free vaccines for RDA equines ‘who contribute a significant amount of their time doing RDA activities’. Claiming the free vaccine is easy: just print off the form from MyRDA, ask the vet to fill it in when the equine has their jabs and then send a copy to the pharmaceutical company. For more information, please visit myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/horses-and-rda/vaccinations/#

Endurance News

Certificates for everyone who completed the Endurance League will be posted within the next week.

RDA members are eligible for Endurance GB Club Membership or can join as Supporters (which is FREE) and as part of that can register as Para Endurance Riders (even those who are traditionally unclassifiable).

Visit https://egb.myclubhouse.co.uk/Cms/Spaces/JOINING/Club+Membership for details.

SEIB Livery Yard & Riding School of the Year Awards

Entries for this year’s awards close on 16 March and there is a category for RDA Centres. More info here: www.seib.co.uk/awards/?fbclid=IwAR37J9BovVoulvY1DvaaiEXKv57bvAbuvKxCzmlFh4vE5qRDq8hI7myhSOU

Page Last Updated: February 4, 2021

Weekly news 28 January

Emergency grants to groups

Tomorrow is the deadline for the current round of group grants. All information and the application form can be found here:  myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/group-fundraising

Training Horses During Lockdown webinar, tonight at 7pm

There are a few spaces left for tonight’s 30 minute webinar about training horses during lockdown. The session features Equine Lead Doug Smith answering your questions, hosted by our very own Emma Bayliss. Register to join at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mquTojfESQKMrqvmTivtCg      

Equine Behaviour & Training webinar, Monday 1 Feb, 7:30pm

Another great learning opportunity, this time from Regional Vet Tess Fordham. This talk will outline the basics of equine behaviour and training with a particular focus on training horses to park as well as training techniques for safe handling in a post-covid RDA setting. It is relevant for coaches, participants, volunteers, families, carers and staff.

Register for this at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYodemrpz4jGNQWWojcKjKhYTB0ReaAjb9I

More webinars from RDA UK are planned for the next few weeks. The next will be at 7pm on 4 Feb and will be about how to make the most of your personal zoom account. I’ll circulate the registration link in next week’s email.

Updates to the RDA Rulebook

The RDA Rulebook has been updated. If you are not familiar with it, the rulebook contains equipment rules for RDA sessions, as well as competition rules. For 2021, the rule changes are available as inserts to the 2020 book. They will soon be going online, but you can also request a hard copy of the updates here: myrda.org.uk/runningyourgroup/national-championships/rulebook-request/

South West Regional Chair vacancy

If you or someone you know might be interested in the above role, please email Faye McKenning at fmckenning@rda.org.uk

Helping with some interesting university research

If you would like to, we are asking groups to circulate the information below to any of your adult riders who have Cerebral Palsy. Charlotte is undertaking an interesting research project and we would like to help if possible.

Study Participants Needed

Self-Reported Physical Activity Levels in Adults with Cerebral Palsy: An insight into a UK population

Are you an adult 18 years or over?  Do you have mild to moderate cerebral palsy (GMFCS levels 1 to 4)?

Hi, my name is Charlotte Kreiner and I am a Masters student studying Physiotherapy (Pre-registration) at the University of Brighton.

  • For my Masters Dissertation, I am looking for adults (18 years and over) with mild to moderate cerebral palsy (GMFCS levels 1 to 4) to participate in a brief online survey.
  • The survey will aim to help provide an insight into physical activity levels of adults with cerebral palsy in the UK, as well as factors that can affect physical activity levels.
  • Physical activity involves any voluntary movement including walking (including with a frame or propelling chair), housework, horse-riding, or swimming for example.
  • Participation is voluntary. The online survey will be anonymous, take approximately 20 minutes to self-complete (with/without a carer to use a keyboard if required), and after submitting the online survey, this will complete your involvement in the survey.
  • You will need access to an internet-enabling device to complete the survey.

If you have any questions related to your involvement in the study or would like the participant information sheet for further information, please contact Charlotte Kreiner (c.kreiner1@uni.brighton.ac.uk).

If you would consider participating in the study, please click on the survey link here: https://brighton.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/self-reported-physical-activity-levels-in-adults-with-cere-3

Page Last Updated: January 28, 2021