Safeguarding Training

Safeguarding refers to the proactive approach to keeping children, young people and adults at risk safe from harm. All RDA Groups have a legal duty of care not only to protect those who use their services but also to promote their welfare by taking all reasonable steps to ensure risks of harm are minimised.

The course focuses specifically on Safeguarding in RDA and will help those who attend to create a safe environment for staff, volunteers and participants.


Safeguarding (Tutor-Led) Training – RDA Safeguarding for Equestrians

We offer an accredited training called RDA Safeguarding For Equestrians training, bought to you in conjunction with British Equestrian (BEF), delivered by our team of regional safeguarding trainers across the country. This course is referred to as “tutor-led” and differs from the e-learning module we also have available. The delivery methods include: virtual (over Zoom) and face to face, providing accessibility around your own commitments.

Virtual Delivery (Zoom): We have launched a full program of zoom safeguarding courses running from now until the end of the year. Please use the events page of the website to book onto a course at a time and date that suits you. Zoom training lasts roughly 2 1/2 hours and you need to be available for the whole session. You will need individual access to the internet, and due to the interactive nature of the course, you will need to be able to see, hear and speak to the trainer and vice versa for the training. There is no cost for those involved with RDA to attend.

Face to Face Delivery: To organise face to face training, we require a minimum of 18 learners and maximum of 25 learners, and the provision of a projector and screen for the trainer to use. If both these requirements are met, National Office will cover the cost of a trainer. The organiser will need to fund additional costs such as venue hire where applicable. For all enquiries about face to face training, please contact RDA Office on


Safeguarding Training – Scotland Only

Learners based in Scotland are required to complete the SportScotland Module 1 before completing the tutor led session. Module 1 is accessed through a training portal named Brightspace. Please note it will still be our own RDA Regional Safeguarding Trainers running the face to face sessions. More information can be found here : SportScotland Module 1

Module 1 takes roughly 30 minutes to go through and contains e-learning content, some further contact information and a number of quizzes, all of which need to be completed before the participant can progress any further. In line with SportScotland guidance this must be done no later than 3 days before attending the second part of the training. Completion of both parts of the training then enables the learner to download their own certificate. It makes the safeguarding course as a whole more insightful and allows time to digest and reflect on the learning and be better prepared for the tutor led session.

For any queries, please contact RDA Office on


The tutor-led course will cover:

  • What is safeguarding?
  • Types of abuse and signs/indicators
  • Awareness of legislation and statutory guidance that frames safeguarding practices
  • Your responsibilities, including best practice and professional behaviour
  • Safer recruitment practices
  • How to deal with and report concerns and allegations within RDA


Back at your Group you’ll be able to:

  • Implement policies and best practice which serve to protect children and adults from abuse
  • Spot the signs and indicators that could mean someone is at risk of significant harm
  • Advise staff and volunteers on what to do if they are worried or have concerns


Who is this for?

The course is suitable for all trustees, volunteers and coaches.


How to book?

Virtual Courses: These can be booked via the Events Page at the top of MyRDA.

Face to Face Courses: Contact RDA National Office to book a face to face course.


Safeguarding E-Learning Module

RDA UK also offers RDA Safeguarding E-learning Module for all volunteers, trustees and coaches. This course has been designed to help refresh those who have already attended a tutor-led safeguarding course, as well as those volunteers who would like to know a little more about safeguarding within RDA.

This E-learning module can be used as a refresher for those coaches and Group Safeguarding Officers who have already attended a tutor-led course and need a 3 year refresher. However if your previous refresher was via e-learning, you MUST attend a tutor-led course the next time.

If you would like to sign up to the course, follow the link below for more information and see what other courses are available.

Please click here for more information


Page Last Updated: May 29, 2024