Performance Showing

Welcome to the new classes of RDA Performance Showing


What is Performance Showing?


Firstly, these classes have nothing to do with an equine beauty contest! Conformation of the horse/pony is not taken in to account and lumps & bumps are not looked at.

These classes come in three different formats to accommodate all riders:

Class 1. Walk and trot on the leading rein.

Class 2. Walk and trot off the lead rein.

Class 3. Walk, trot and canter.


How is Performance Showing judged?


The judging is conducted by looking at the harmony between the rider and their horse/pony, the turnout and, most importantly, the overall impression. Basically, the judge is looking for a happy partnership regardless of the occasional nerves!


The first and second prize winners, in all three classes, will be invited back to take part in The RDA Performance Showing Championship. This happens straight after the end of the three classes.

You do not have to pay to enter this section! It is free! You may win a sash and will certainly receive more rosettes!


What to Wear.


You do not need to have the most deluxe showing jacket or canary jodhpurs! Make sure that you are clean and tidy with nicely polished boots and that things fit as well as possible.

Have fun turning your horse or pony out to the best of your ability.


There are extra rosettes offered to the combination deemed to be Best Turned Out Rider, Leader and their Horse/Pony in Class 1 and for the Best Turned Out Rider and their Horse/Pony in Classes 2 & 3.


What is the point of the performance Showing Classes?


These classes provide an excellent stepping stone for all riders who may wish to progress towards dressage, for example. It is a chance for riders to show off their riding ability at their own level and to design a short individual show to suit them and their equine mount.

Video recordings are available on how to set up and conduct your individual show for all three classes on the RDA Website.


How are the classes conducted?


All entries will enter on the right rein at walk only. The walk and trot riders being lead will not need an athlete on the end of the rope as they will not have to go round the whole arena!


There will be no trotting or cantering as a group in any of the classes.

The Judge will then pull in the contestants and individual shows will be conducted.


The judge will then present the prizes.


Where can I do these classes?


The RDA National Championship Show runs all three classes. The RDA also include these classes in their Virtual Shows.

In the Virtual Shows you will need to film all round your horse/pony whilst it is standing still and then film your individual show. There is not a Championship offered within the RDA Virtual Shows.

How does a Group add Showing as an activity?

It’s easy – any Coach can run Showing sessions, no assessment of the group is required!

You will need to complete and return the Application Form to add Showing to Activities and return to the National Office.

Once this has been registered you can get started!





Page Last Updated: February 6, 2025