Government Kickstart scheme

You may have heard that the government has created a new scheme to encourage and support employers to create work placements for young people in England, Scotland and Wales.  The Kickstart Scheme pays the costs for young people who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment to be employed part time for 6 months.  The idea is for the placements to support the participants to develop the skills and experience they need to find work after completing the scheme.

There is a minimum number of 30 people who must be enrolled on the scheme, although you can do so as part of a consortium, so RDA UK is looking at the possibility of doing this to support your Group, if this might work for you.  

What funding is available

Funding is available for:

  • 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week
  • associated employer National Insurance contributions
  • employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions

There is also £1500 per job placement available for setup costs, support and training.  RDAUK may charge you a proportion of this element in order to help fund a co-ordinated approach to the training program required by the scheme.

How to get the funding

Funding is available following a successful application process.

Who can apply for funding

Any organisation, regardless of size, can apply for funding.

The job placements created with Kickstart funding must be new jobs. They must not:

  • replace existing or planned vacancies
  • cause existing employees or contractors to lose or reduce their employment

The roles you are applying for must be:

  • a minimum of 25 hours per week, for 6 months
  • paid at least the National Minimum Wage for their age group
  • should not require people to undertake extensive training before they begin the job placement

Each application should include how you will help the participants to develop their skills and experience (RDAUK may be able to provide a co-ordinated approach to this training) including:

  • support to look for long-term work, including career advice and setting goals
  • support with CV and interview preparations
  • supporting the participant with basic skills, such as attendance, timekeeping and teamwork

Once a job placement is created, it can be taken up by a second person once the first successful applicant has completed their 6-month term.

To find out more about the scheme visit

At the moment we are just looking for groups to register their interest, to find out if we could meet the criteria for 30 people through our ‘consortium’. If you think your group might be interested, please email Peter Dean at RDA National Office at 

Page Last Updated: September 29, 2020

Weekly News – 24 September

This is the first of what will become a regular weekly email to all RDA Group Chairs and Contacts.
The emails will usually come from me, and I hope you will feel happy contacting me directly if I can be of help. That said, outside of communications, publicity and PR, you will quickly reach the limit of my knowledge, so please continue to use your usual contacts for other things.

Update your details
This is a great opportunity to help us update our records. If you are no longer Group Chair or the designated Group Contact, please email and let us know – ideally with the name of your replacement.
I know lockdown prevented the publication of this year’s handbook. As an interim measure, I am going to get the current contact information for each region into an electronic format and circulate that as soon as it’s ready.

Government announcement Tuesday
The devolved government announcements on Tuesday brought no specific changes to our current guidelines. Remember that is being kept up to date with the latest information. If something changes that affects the whole organisation or needs immediate action we will of course email you as soon as possible.

Chief Executive webinars
Throughout lockdown, RDA Chief Executive Ed Bracher has recorded a series of webinars about how we have been tackling the challenges of COVID-19 and its impact on RDA. You can watch the latest one – and catch up with previous webinars – on our You Tube Channel at A transcript of the latest talk is also available, so please let me know if you’d like a copy.

Virtual Windsor
Tomorrow at 2:30pm is the RDA Dressage Challenge Class at Virtual Windsor Horse Show, supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery and prizes from Wychanger Saddlery. Congratulations to all who entered, and especially to those who made it into the top ten! Tune in to watch it ‘live’ – with commentary from our very own Dressage Lead John Robinson – at

Survey about activity levels and closure
Please don’t forget to complete our survey into activity levels and continued group closure if you haven’t done so already. It takes about 5 minutes and will give us valuable information to help us support you better in the coming months.

RDA UK volunteer vacancies
We have several vacancies for Regional and County volunteer roles. If you, or someone you know, would like to find out more about being an RDA UK volunteer, please contact Faye McKenning at National Office on .

Brilliant Person Awards
There’s still time to nominate someone for our Brilliant Person Award. Visit

Have a good week and stay safe.

Best wishes,
Caroline Ward
Head of Communication & Insight, RDA UK
01926 405968

Page Last Updated: September 29, 2020

Group Development Manager – Maternity Cover

RDA National Office, Shrewley, Warwick

RDA is a leading national charity, dedicated to enriching the lives of disabled people through horses and our team at national office work closely with our network of national volunteers to ensure RDA Groups are able to provide an excellent experience for those who take part in our activities.

About the role:

We are seeking a new member of staff to play a key role in supporting RDA Groups in developing the excellent service they provide to our participants. This role is an opportunity for someone who prides themselves on their ability to engage with key stakeholders and has strong project management and organisational skills.

The main responsibilities of the role include leading in four key areas:

  • Delivering against the RDA UK Growth Plan
  • Managing the recruitment of new RDA Groups
  • Supporting existing RDA Groups in setting up their governing documents to best fit their future needs
  • Overseeing and administering the delivery of a Sport England funded programme, Accessibility Mark.

It is important that you are a confident communicator with exceptional customer service skills as you will be providing advice and guidance to our volunteer workforce on a regular basis.  We also value adaptability; someone who will enjoy working on new projects and the challenges associated with a varied workload.

This is a temporary role, providing maternity cover, working 34 hours per week (09:00-17:00 Monday to Thursday, 09:00-16:00 Friday, with one hour for lunch), although flexibility will be needed leading up to events with extra hours covered by time off in lieu.

Salary is £25,000 (pro rata) per annum.

Please ring 07493 394237 or email for a full job description, or send your CV to .

Closing date for applications is Tuesday 30th June.  

We are looking for the successful person to start, for a handover period, by mid-August if possible.

Job Description Group Development Manager (Mat Cover) 2020

Page Last Updated: June 22, 2020

RDA UK Coronavirus update as at 17 March 2020

Following the government’s announcement yesterday, asking people to work from home and implement social distancing measures, we now assume that most if not all RDA group activity will have to cease.

Open groups

While it is the decision of your board of trustees whether to close or remain open, RDA’s strong advice is for groups to close and suspend activity.

If you do not, you must be certain that you can meet the guidance around social distancing and that your group can put measures in place to keep everyone safe.

What is social distancing?

  • Social distancing means trying to avoid contact with other people.
  • It means spending less time in public places, where a lot of people are around.

You can read the government guidelines on this here:

Regional Qualifiers & National Championships

In consultation with Regional Chairs and the Championships Lead, we have decided to cancel all Regional Qualifiers and The National Championships. We know this will be disappointing for everyone involved but please understand we have not made this decision lightly.

Coach reviews, First Aid and Safeguarding Updates

We understand that some training or reviews have a deadline attached to them to enable your coaches and volunteers to continue supporting your group. For the time being, we are issuing 6 month extensions on coach reviews and first aid courses.

Whilst safeguarding training should be updated every three years and alternated between face-to-face and on-line, if anyone is due to update their safeguarding and it should be face to face, they can either:

  • Delay face to face training for up to 6 months i.e. by end of September


  • Update online, providing face to face training is then attended within 12 months.

Please be assured; we have run this by our insurers who have agreed the extensions in the current circumstances.

Coach assessments

We advise postponing all coach assessments for the foreseeable future. We know this will be a frustration for the coaches affected, but we must prioritise the health of everyone involved, including the riders and volunteers who would be needed. This will mean the coaches will need to continue to be supervised until such time the assessments can be rescheduled.

Closed groups

Understandably, many RDA groups have now taken the difficult decision to close. We fully support this action and know it has not been made lightly. The impact on participants will be significant, as well as for volunteers, for whom RDA provides an important community.

We will continue to support groups as much as possible during this difficult time. There will be a few staff in the office and the majority will be working from home, but please continue to contact us – by email wherever possible.

Some specific areas you might be interested in:

  • Talk to the comms team about publicity for your group. We will be circulating a template press release to help get support from your local area. This will also be a good time to stay in touch with your RDA community through social media, so please ask if you have any questions or need any advice.
  • Talk to the fundraising team about how to use this time to fundraise. This could be a good time to look at MyRDA and applying for grants, using social media to fundraise etc. 
  • Use our educational resources to help your participants continue with RDA while they can’t come to sessions. Contact Marisa about Proficiency Tests, Arts & Crafts and more.

Groups with paid employees

Employees have now been asked to work from home where possible. This may have an impact on your ability to look after your horses. The government has not issued any advice about this yet. We will let you know as soon as this changes.

In the meantime, ACAS is regularly updating its website with useful advice and information for employers and employees.

National Office

National Office remains open, but will be operating with a skeleton staff in the office, with the majority of staff working from home. Please contact us by email wherever possible.

Staying safe

Most importantly, we urge you and everyone involved at your group to prioritise their own health and wellbeing. This is an unprecedented situation for all of us and there is still a lot of change to come. We will do our very best to stay in regular contact, to support you and your community as much as possible, and we wish you all the very best of health and good luck in the coming weeks.

Best wishes,


Ed Bracher
Chief Executive, RDA UK


Page Last Updated: March 17, 2020

Advice from RDA UK as at 13 March 2020

Government advice

Following the meeting of the Government’s Cobra committee yesterday, when it was agreed that the UK will move to the ‘delay’ stage of its response, RDA’s policy is that Groups, volunteers and participants should continue to refer to and follow the current official Government advice. You can find this, and more information, here: This page will always contain the most up to date information. We will therefore not be reprinting this information in our own messages, to avoid out of date advice circulating.

The NHS website also provides guidance on the symptoms, how the disease is spread, and how to avoid catching or spreading germs. You can view this at 


RDA specific information

While our advice as a nationwide organisation remains in line with the Government’s position, individual groups, volunteers and participants must feel able to make decisions based on their own specific circumstances.


In order for your group to stay open:

  • Everyone must have the ability to wash (or sanitise) their hands in line with government/NHS guidelines
  • Ensure that your volunteers and participants don’t feel under any obligation to attend if they have concerns
  • Respect the feelings of everyone at your group and take their concerns seriously


In addition:

  • There is a leaflet for visitors to your site that you can download here and use if you wish VisitorAdviceCorona Virus 
  • You may wish to talk to your schools, care providers or other groups about their plans and if they are happy to continue coming


If your trustees decide to suspend the group

  • Please email us at to let us know so we can keep up to date with the changing situation nationally.


Groups with paid employees

It seems likely that, as the situation escalates, employees will be asked to work from home. This may have an impact on your ability to look after your horses. The government has not issued any advice about this yet. We will let you know as soon as this changes.


In the meantime, ACAS is regularly updating its website with useful advice and information for employers and employees.


Regional Qualifiers and National Championships

Government advice does not currently restrict gatherings or events on the scale of our regional qualifiers and championships. We are reviewing the situation, but for the time being please assume they are continuing.


National Office

We remain open for business as usual, so please contact us with any questions or concerns. If the office has to close we will inform you as soon as possible. You can contact the office on 01926 492915 or email

Page Last Updated: March 16, 2020

Advice on Coronavirus from RDA UK as at 10 March 2020

Following the meeting of the Government’s Cobra committee yesterday, when it was agreed that the UK will remain in the ‘containment’ stage of its response, RDA’s policy is that Groups, volunteers and participants should continue to refer to and follow the current official Government advice. You can find this, and more information, here: This page will always contain the most up to date information. We will therefore not be reprinting this information in our own messages, to avoid out of date advice circulating.


While our advice as a nationwide organisation remains in line with the Government’s position, individual groups, volunteers and participants must feel able to make decisions based on their own specific circumstances. Just like everyone else, volunteers, staff and participants should follow the standard advice on self-isolation if that is applicable. As you will understand, this is a rapidly changing situation so it is worth continuing to check the Government webpage for updates, and follow their advice to guide your decisions.


The NHS website also provides guidance on the symptoms, how the disease is spread, and how to avoid catching or spreading germs. You can view this at   


If the situation changes, and/or we update our advice we will of course let you know immediately. If you have any specific concerns please do get in touch with us directly.

Page Last Updated: March 13, 2020

RDA UK has partnered with McClure Solicitors

RDA UK has partnered with McClure Solicitors (who have 14 offices across the UK) who offer their free will and free will review service all year round, to anyone wishing to access it, at no obligation. In addition they offer a special price Power of Attorney or Lasting Power of Attorney service.

The free will service raises substantial funds for charities via donations, gift aid and gifts in wills. 

For more information on this partnership and how it may be of benefit to your RDA Group or Region please contact Lisa MacDonald at RDA National Office on or 07739 383666.

Page Last Updated: February 7, 2020

Job Opportunity – Essex

Chigwell Riding Trust is look for an experienced coach five days a week. This is a great opportunity for the right person. The role includes Coaching, schooling horses and yard work. Accommodation on site and a car is essential. Contact Deborah on 020 8500 6051 or email for more information.

Page Last Updated: January 9, 2020

The new faces of para-equestrian dressage to represent Great Britain 

The British Equestrian Federation has announced the UK Sport National Lottery funded para-equestrian dressage squad which will compete at the FEI Longines European Championships in Rotterdam, Holland (21–25 August 2019).

This year’s team includes three combinations who will be contesting their first senior championships, while Sophie Wells and C Fatal Attraction will be out to defend their Freestyle gold medal from the European Championships in 2017.

In alphabetical order, the selected squad has been named by British Dressage selectors as…

  • Mari Durward-Akhurst (Grade I) with Glesni Owen’s Sky O’Hara
  • Nicky Greenhill (Grade IV) with her own and Gary Greenhill’s Betty Boo
  • Sophie Wells (Grade V) with Charlotte Hogg’s C Fatal Attraction
  • Georgia Wilson (Grade II) with her own and Geoff and Julie Wilson’s Midnight

Performance Manager Georgina Sharples said “Many congratulations to all the selected combinations, their owners and support teams. It is wonderful to see three first-time championship athletes included in this selection – they’ll have the chance to experience a championship environment as part of the build up to Tokyo 2020. Also representing Great Britain in her eleventh major championships, Paralympic, World and European multi-medallist Sophie Wells, will bring a wealth of experience as will a highly committed and knowledgeable support Team.”

Jason Brautigam, British Dressage Chief Executive, commented; “It’s fantastic to see three new names getting the call-up to the team this year, alongside the extensive Championship experience of Sophie Wells. With qualification for next year’s Paralympics already assured, it’s great to provide opportunities for new combinations to make their mark on the international stage. Competition for places has been fierce this year, with a number of riders in line for selection, which shows the fantastic depth we have in the programme just one year out from Tokyo. Congratulations to the chosen four and we look forward to cheering you on in Rotterdam.”

Nicky and Sophie have also been selected with direct reserve horses, Nicky with Gary Greenhill and her own King Edward I and Sophie with her own Diadeem.

The British senior teams are supported by the BEF’s UK Sport National Lottery funded World Class Programme.



Page Last Updated: July 31, 2019

Job opportunity at the RDA – Project Co-ordinator (Tracker)

RDA National Office, Shrewley, Warwick

RDA is a leading national charity, dedicated to enriching the lives of disabled people through horses and our team at national office work closely with our network of national volunteers to ensure RDA Groups are able to provide an excellent experience for those who take part in our activities.

About the role:

We are seeking a new member of staff to play a key role in coordinating the delivery of our Tracker development plan. This role is an opportunity for someone who prides themselves on their ability to engage with key stakeholders and has strong project management and organisational skills.

The main responsibilities of the role include leading in three key areas:

  • To co-ordinate the development of the Tracker tool
  • To ensure groups using the Tracker have sufficient guidance and support
  • To promote the use of tracker data by RDA groups

It is important that you are a confident communicator with exceptional customer service skills as you will be providing advice and guidance to our volunteer workforce on a regular basis.  We also value adaptability; someone who will enjoy working on a new project and the challenges associated with a varied workload.


This is a fixed term role finishing on 31st March 2020 working 3 days (21 hours) per week although flexibility will be needed leading up to events with extra hours covered by time off in lieu.

Salary is £20,000 (pro rata) per annum.

Full job description

Please ring 01926 405966 or email for more information, or send your CV and a covering letter to  or Matthew Cobble Group Support and Volunteer Manager, RDA National Office, Lowlands Equestrian Centre, Old Warwick Road, Shrewley, Warwick CV35 7AX.

Closing date for applications is 2nd August 2019.

Page Last Updated: July 18, 2019