Carriage Driving


The 2024 RDA National Championships Carriage Driving competition consists of the Driven Dressage Test and a Conobstacle course, which will be a cones course interspersed with two or more obstacles. It will be judged and scored as two phases: Phase 1 – Dressage, and Phase 2 – Conobstacles (overall time, not individual elements). There will be three separate dressage tests this year, which have been adapted courtesy of Indoor Carriage Driving UK. Each class has their own version –  Novice, Intermediate and  Open.

  • The objective of the driven dressage test is to judge the freedom, regularity of paces, harmony, impulsion, suppleness and lightness, ease of movement and correct bending of the horse on the move. Drivers will also be judged on style, accuracy, dress, control of the horse and general condition of their horse, harness and carriage.
  • The objective of the Conobstacle course is to drive accurately without knocking balls off the cones, and in the fastest overall time possible. It will test the fitness, obedience and suppleness of the horse, and the skill and competence of the driver.
  • In all phases, and in all classes, CD Coaches may assist with verbal directions but will be penalised in all classes for using the second set of reins unless on safety grounds.
  • Conobstacles must be driven at walk and trot only. Penalties will be awarded for cantering.
  • The width of the cones will be 25 cms wider than the standard axle i.e. set at 165 cms. Any carriages of non-standard width will have the cones adjusted for them, but you may have to drive at the end of the competition after the standard width carriages have all taken part, so that the arena party do not have to set and re-set the cones more than necessary.


Dressage Arena

The arena size for the dressage test will be 60m x 30m. The markers down the long side are laid out with equal spacing.

Driver Categories.

The organisers reserve the right to transfer drivers to a different class if felt appropriate.

  1. a) Novice
  • Any driver who drives with dual reins who has never competed at any previous RDA face-to-face National Championships. They may remain in the Novice class until they win the Novice class at the National Championships.
  • Any driver who drives with dual reins, and has not won the novice class at any previous RDA face-to-face National Championships.
  • The winner of the Novice class, at any previous face-to-face National Championships, will move up to the Intermediate class for future competitions.


  1. b) Intermediate
  • Any driver who drives with dual reins, and has not won the intermediate class at any previous RDA face-to-face National Championships.
  • The winner of the Intermediate class at any previous face-to-face National Championships will move up to the Open class for future competitions.


  1. c) Open
  • Any driver who drives with dual reins and has progressed from the Intermediate class at previous face-to-face National Championships.
  • Any driver who has been assessed to drive with single reins with their CD Coach sitting beside them.

All tests may be driven from memory or commanded. No penalty for a commander, as per Ridden Dressage Tests at all levels at the RDA National Championships.

For full competition rules please see the RDA Rule Book.

Please see below for the competitors test and diagram sheet.

IntermediateTest RDA National and Virtual Championships 2024 Movement Sheet

Intermediate Test RDA National and Virtual Championships 2024. Diagrams

Novice Test RDA National and Virtual Championships 2024 Movement Sheet

Novice Test RDA National and Virtual Championships 2024. Diagrams

Open Test RDA National and Virtual Championships 2024 Movement Sheet

Open Test RDA National and Virtual Championships 2024. Diagrams

Page Last Updated: March 11, 2024