Delivering Modules



The first step of the Coaching Pathway  is for volunteers to complete the four Green Card Holder modules also known as Volunteer Modules. Two of the modules, Disability Awareness and Equine Knowledge, are theory and can be completed on the e-learning portal. The other two are practical modules, which can be completed at a group, county or regional training day. These are; Mounting and Dismounting and Preparing and Assisting RDA Sessions. 

These modules are available for all volunteers that want to gain more knowledge and aren’t exclusively aimed at those wanting to embark on the Coaching Pathway. 

Please click here to be redirected to the RDA e-learning portal

Please click here to see the resources for the Volunteer Training Modules

Once the trainee coach has completed all of the Volunteer Modules they will need to attend a Pre-Coach Training Session.  These must be delivered by a County or Regional Coach, or Coach Developer but could be delivered within the group if there is enough demand.

Please click here to see the resources to deliver a Pre-Coach Training Session



Practical modules for the Coach Certificates can be run within groups, by any Coach Certificate holder, as well as at training days arranged by your County or Regional Coaches. County and Regional Coaches already have the resources for these practical module training days. If you are a group and would like to set up a practical module day, please contact the coaching team and we will send out any additional resources you will need to set up the training day, including the presentation, quiz and answer sheets. 

Please click here to see the resources for the Horse Care & Knowledge module.

Please click here to see the resources for the Coaching module.

Please click here to see the resources for the Therapy & Medical module.


Page Last Updated: September 5, 2024