Proficiency Tests


Proficiency Tests

Updated Training Aids and revision worksheets 
(Also available from Group Orders)


Syllabus Cards


Achievement Sheets


UPDATED BRONZE, SILVER & GOLD  Horse Care and Riding    
Riding and Horse Care: Grades 1 – 4


Why offer the RDA Proficiency tests in your RDA Group?

Carefully developed by RDA Coaching experts, the RDA Proficiency tests form a key part of the wider RDA Education programme, offering a valuable opportunity to recognise and reward achievement, at all levels of ability.

The RDA Proficiency test programme has been carefully designed to be as accessible as possible, encouraging participants on each step of the way. From Grades 1 to 4, the tests gradually increase in difficulty, providing an attainable challenge within the scope of the individuals’ capabilities and giving participants the opportunity to gain useful, practical knowledge, even at a basic level. All RDA disciplines offer a structured progression path, with attractive rewards available to mark success at each stage of achievement.



Who can assess?

RDA Coaches are trained to a high professional standard, which is well-recognised in the equestrian world, so we are confident in our coaches’ ability to assess participants at the lower levels. Any Group Coach or Coach can assess Grades 1-4. It is great for participants if a coach other than their own can do the assessment but we recognise this is not always practical, so don’t let the lack of another assessor hold you back. It is recommended that assessors are familiar with the guidelines for assessment, either by attending online or face to face training, or by reading the guidelines in the assessor handbook. Assessors for Bronze and Silver must have attended training, and assessors for Gold will be selected nationally.

Offering RDA Proficiency tests in your RDA group can be a real motivator for all involved—not only for those working towards and actually taking the tests, but also for volunteers and staff taking part in the sessions. Setting goals with riders can form the basis for simple lesson plans, whether over a half term, a year or beyond, and can really help to engage and focus participants in their activities each week. Syllabus cards can also be taken home, or back to care or education centres, so that participants can share their knowledge and experiences with family, teachers, friends and carers (who can also help them to practice!)

Riding Cert AllRiding Patches

Horse care patcheshorse care all



All badges, certificates, guidance handbooks and syllabus cards are available FREE to all RDA Groups, from RDA National Office. Please visit the RDA Group Orders mini-site to let us know exactly what you need.

  • Guidance Handbook: For groups, Coaches and Assessors
  • Syllabus cards: With a new additional, simplified syllabus for Horse Care, for those who may not yet be riding, or for those with more sensory needs.
  • Colourful certificates (please contact RDA National Office for alternative formats, including Braille)
  • Attractive and tactile iron-on, colour-coded patches, to be worn with pride!
  • Diamond-shaped metal pin badges: Colour-coded to the grades, as an alternative to the fabric patches
  • Downloadable Achievement sheets (optional): Designed to accompany the certificates, to remind candidates exactly what they’ve had to do to achieve their award, and to help when sharing and celebrating the achievement with others. These optional fact sheets can also be used as a helpful aid for retaining the information… and revising for the next grade!
  • Clear and attractive Training Aid and revision worksheets to support your sessions – with helpful facts and pictures to help with revision and even just general, horsey knowledge – for participants and volunteers alike! These are also useful for working towards ASDAN Towards Independence: Animal Care with Horse Riding & Stable Management.
Page Last Updated: May 22, 2024